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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Which leaves it as a fourth quarter shoot-out between Carr and Taylor.
  2. Real fans; fun team.
  3. Cue the crying about Cam getting hit in the head.
  4. Seems like ever Raider game I've seen this year has been like this; easily the most entertaining team in the NFL this year.
  5. I can't believe that either. They could have potentially forced the FG with 2:00 remaining.
  6. Two ridiculous catches in a row....how does he drag the toe like that and still stay on his feet?? 49er fans pulling their hair out watching him tear it up for the Raiders this year.
  7. 3 fantastic throws in a row by Carr on the 3d down, the TD and the 2 pt play. That's the kind of passer you need to have to win consistently in the NFL. Brady is less good against any team that isn't the Bills. I'm pretty sure he has a losing record playing in Miami and they haven't had a good team in years. Likewise the Jets usually put in a good effort once a season against NE and will pull off the win every couple years. It's only the Bills who can't seem to beat the guy.
  8. I'm with Rico - I miss the days of Independents. And Rutgers in the Big 10 is a travesty.
  9. Besides, the Bills are going to get either Big Ben, Rivers or Eli after their teams balk at big money contracts for those aging QBs.
  10. Not sure what 'awesome' means, but there have been a bunch of guys who have come out of college and quickly shown they are high end starter material: Wilson, Luck, Prescott, Carr, Cousins and maybe Mariota and Bridgewater. To assume there is going to be any significant change in a player's game after 5 years as a backup and 2 as a starter is fantasy.
  11. No argument on any of that, he's clearly the only option right now. My concern is the impact of a long term commitment based on a decent finish to this season and the hope that he improves as a passer, which I think is unlikely to any significant degree. Jones is a complete unknown IMO; they need to keep drafting QBs and hope they find another Prescott or Wilson.
  12. Unfortunately, 'unconventional' very rarely cuts it in the NFL once you're in the playoff (assuming you can ever get there). Being able to read a defense and deliver the ball accurately and on time remain the differences between good college QB and good pro QB.
  13. The next four years are going to be awesome.
  14. Makes me wonder what kind of 'protests' we'd get from the other side if liberals were actually successful in undermining the democratic process and blatantly stole the election.
  15. But a few dumb high school kids have painted swastikas as a prank so you know, we're basically now Germany in the 30s.
  16. It doesn't work in college either.
  17. Background music to Bills games to reduce the natural inclination to throw stuff. Also much easier to listen to than Spero and Solomon.
  18. Great tune but ten hours might be pushing it.
  19. Barney Miller had one of best TV ensemble casts ever. Glass and the guy who played Dietrich were always my favorites. RIP
  20. Oh yes, if there's one thing the NFL (and specifically the Bills) needs it's having guys thrown out of games based on capricious interpretations of tackles by the refs.
  21. Again? Seems like this gets announced every few years.
  22. That's friggin funny. Kudos to SNL, even though most of the bubble is probably now crying about this as hate speach.
  23. Too bad Cincy won't be in the playoffs this year -- it's always fun to watch them implode in that wild card game.
  24. Thursday football was great years ago when it happened a couple times a season; it was a big treat. Same with the occasional Saturday game late in the year after the college schedule was finished.
  25. Thank goodness the Bills haven't had to rely on a QB that terrible over the past 20 years, huh?
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