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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Terry feels fine about it because he looks at the Bills as a business as a whole and I'm sure the ROI is not any different than he assumed it would be when he purchased the team. Every business has inefficient expenses or investments that don't pan out. You need 53 guys in uniform so whether it was Harvin or some other street FA being paid really doesn't concern him. I'm sure the lack of a franchise QB is not news at OBD. They hoped TT would turn the corner this year with a solid running game behind him but it's not happening and now they can only address it through the next draft. There are only so many things you can do and so many plans you can commit to. Would we all be happier if Terry had paid Brock Osweiler $72M to come to Buffalo last offseason?
  2. On the bright side, it usually makes these complex scenarios much easier to follow.
  3. He was one tough runner at Colorado. RIP
  4. I agree with this. One of the recent Facebook things is the 'not a whiff of scandal' story with the pretty picture of the Obamas. These people actually believe this; along with 'cut the deficit in half' and 'got Osama'.
  5. Still relying on the dumb, lazy soundbites I see.
  6. The problem is, sometimes you have to throw 40 times a game to win. And if you don't have a QB who can produce while throwing that much, you aren't going to the playoffs, ever.
  7. And Spiller. Just need to get him into space. btw, what's Stevie up to these days?
  8. Seriously. Why would BB be the least bit interested in spiting the Bills. It would be like a playoff bye for them.
  9. There's no way Jerry Jones doesn't show Romo the respect to have some say in where he goes and no way Romo has any interest in Buffalo. Denver, Rams, San Fran, Jets and Bears are all more likely IMO. The only landing spot for Romo likely than Buffalo is Cleveland.
  10. If they figure out a way to beat the Steelers, I'm cashing out my IRA, flying to Vegas and putting it all on the moneyline for the Browns the following week. Because --- it's the Bills.
  11. Yes, but he had one season in his whole career where he had good stats and almost made the playoffs. So you know, obviously you need to assume he'll play at least as well as his one outlier season AND that will be enough to get the Bills to the playoffs when it wasn't good enough to get the Jets to the playoffs (even though the 2015 Jets had a better D and better WRs than the current Bills team does).
  12. Mike Glennon has a 2:1 TD/INT ratio despite having a limiting opportunity and that on bad and dysfunctional Bucs teams in 2013-14. He's certainly worth a look ahead of known qualities like Fitz. Of course, they need to draft another QB and not foolishly put all their eggs in the Jones basket.
  13. Sheesh what? Don't spew intellectually lazy bullsh-- and you won't be called out for doing so. This is what pisses me off about the PPP-phobia on this site. All are welcome here, but you need to check the facebook crowd-pleasing soundbites at the door. The ability to control basic emotions is one of the key things that differentiates animal and human. No one is claiming McKnight "deserved" to die, but if he contributed to his own death by his actions, it's a shame but that's on him.
  14. I could easily see Romo in green and white next year. Jets have a ton of older guys so they'll give it one more shot next year before they go into full rebuild mode.
  15. Same here. At this point I'll just take whatever joy can still be found in this season. For me the Jets sucking and the Pats* losing a playoff game are at the top of the list.
  16. Great....so 3 years from now we'll be up to 19 years and counting everyone (except maybe for #34fan and a few OSU fans) will be concluding that Jones isn't the answer and now the Bills really need to draft a QB. And fire the coach and GM and half the defense.
  17. Interesting article. You assume everyone in the NFL would hate him going back to the USFL lawsuit but I guess there's a new generation in the NFL who doesn't care about old history.
  18. ba-dum-tsss I'd hope so. I got paid the days my wife was giving birth.
  19. Yup; he's the starting QB for his family and yesterday was a Super Bowl.
  20. The first down wildcat play to Shady was bad enough....but then to run it again on second down?!? Just was mind boggling. Of course TT misses the 3d down throw and then another terrible punt and you knew that was the game. Or ever.
  21. Why do we think this is supposed to be a great defense? It's an above average line, average LBs, below average secondary. We can be pissed at Rex all we want, but they are relying on an overrated 'star' CB, a bunch of first and second year guys at the other CB and basically scrap heap guys at S.
  22. We need a P too.
  23. Yup. For all the talk of developing quarterbacks, how many successful NFL QBs have really been 'developed'? Of course a good QB becomes more polished over time, but the basic ability is either there or it's not. It seems to me most of the starters in the NFL were starters very early in their careers and most of them are who we thought they were in the first year or two. It was pretty clear Carr was a going to be good his rookie year. Just as it's clear now that Taylor will never be a good passer.
  24. Your dad coached the Mets?
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