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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I'm thinking about doing a brisket this weekend and making burnt ends. Anyone done that before?
  2. Need to change the name of the city too. 'Cultural appropriation' and all.....
  3. A little late, but worth it for the laugh.
  4. So....yes, you are that really are so disingenuous that you can't admit it's nothing but a political stunt. Got it, thanks. Enjoy not seeing Trump's taxes.
  5. Kyle fading....too bad. Oops....Fish with a bogey. Kyle still hanging in, but really needs a big hole.
  6. Guess Kyle will need to reclaim the lead if we're going to see him take a shot today!
  7. That’s quite a front page — Khrushchev and Kennedy — pre-election, a year before the Bag of Pigs and two years before the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  8. We just got back yesterday from N Tahoe....heading back up in August since we're not getting on a plane this year.
  9. Why? How will that benefit your life? Why would Trump voluntarily give his enemies a reason to misconstrue his finances for their political gain at his expense? Are you really so disingenuous (or just plain ignorant) that you can't even be honest about the motivations involved on both sides?
  10. As much as it pains me to see any kind of good outcome for the Patriots, I am happy that less money will be going to any of the scumbags involved in those two cases.
  11. Well, in this case it would allow Dems to cherry pick/use misleading numbers/flat out lie about what’s in them for the purpose of running some inane ‘Trump paid less taxes than his secretary!!’ campaign ad.
  12. ....aaaaaaaaaaaand he gets a slap on the wrist. Guess he won't be getting cut over this, huh? Gee, I'm shocked. https://nypost.com/2020/07/10/desean-jackson-fined-by-eagles-for-hitler-posts/
  13. I always find the outlier votes interesting. Someone put OBJ first? Julio 7th? Thomas 6th? Allen 2nd? Hill 11th? Absurd. Swap Beckham and Evans and that's my top 5.
  14. Ok then Mr. Expert......what's your solution? You've offered a lot of "it's complicated" and "what about the risks?" hedging, and quite clearly you want to argue with anyone who thinks we need to open schools next month, so that would naturally lead one to suspect that you are not in favor of opening schools. So go ahead.....outline your plan. I'm listening.
  15. Why would anyone care about the tax returns of a guy that’s been rich for decades before he ran for office? We ought to be concerned about the people who get rich after spending decades doing nothing but being in office.
  16. That’s exactly what this is about, and he’s hiding behind the pathetic ‘if it saves just one life’ nonsense.... Somehow all this terrible risk is fine for doctors, nurses, dentists, nursing home staff, flight crews, bus drivers, etc......but we need to trash our education system rather than expect teachers to adapt.
  17. No one (or at least I’m not) is saying open up as if there was no virus. Obviously there needs to be significant workarounds. But using the ‘kids might die’ excuse is b.s. If a particular kid has a serious medical condition than that kid should stay home. Otherwise, kids are not dying from COVID. If individuals deem it too risky to family members to sent kids to school, they always have the option to home school. If school districts want to accommodate distance learning for those people, great, have at it. If a certain teacher is high risk, hire a sub. But not opening schools because there is some risk or because it’s hard to manage or because certain teachers don’t want to come back is crazy. If not now, when? The risk profile will never approach zero until there’s a vaccine and that might be years away.
  18. I didn’t bother reading that endless diatribe at the start of this thread, but yeah, we need to open schools, period. What’s amazing is all the people screaming about hardships for POC in other threads now want to completely sabotage their education. I live in one of the richest towns in the country and our district has completely lost track of 10% of enrolled students. What do you think that % is in towns where few of any of the kids have a stable home, plenty to eat, tablet/laptop, reliable broadband, parents with the ability and desire to be involved, etc?
  19. Yes, I'm sure all the idiots here and their lefty heroes in Washington who are blaming Trump would have lined right up to praise him if he'd ordered a full lock down in late January, canceled the Super Bowl, etc.
  20. Fumbles on consecutive plays in their own end in the first half didn't help. For as great as that team was, they could never take care of the football.
  21. Yup. You don't need to bother implanting microchips in everyone, you can just follow the money trail. Soon enough we'll be 'outing' people based on what they've purchased, to whom they've donated, etc.
  22. We were late comers....my Dad's mother's side came over on the Arabella in 1630. French faction hightailed it to America just before WW1.
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