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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Does this mean gator's anti-discrimination law is no longer gay?
  2. Give me a break. It's their livelihood; no one wants to get into a beanball war on the football field, no matter what team. Big hits happen cause guys have an opportunity in the moment (like Landry did), not because they are planned out to extract revenge.
  3. So Senator Pocahontas didn't even win among the Native American candidates?
  4. It’s going to be a long four years — at least — of battling Democrats’ uncivil behavior. OF COURSE THEY DO: Media Move To Delegitimize Trump’s Win. Well, if Paul Krugman and Jamelle Bouie think the election of a Republican was illegitimate. . . . Just curious, when was the last election of a Republican to the WH that Krugman didn't claim was illegitimate?
  5. According to CNN, one of the Maine electors voted for Bernie instead of Hitlery. I guess not everyone forgot which was the rigged primary.
  6. Fans always scream for revenge but I can't think of many situations it ever transpired on the field. I wouldn't hold my breath.
  7. Poor Huma.... http://nypost.com/2016/12/18/clinton-advisers-point-fingers-at-huma-abedin-inner-circle-for-loss/
  8. I think someone brought it here pretty much in tandem with its origination on SS. I can't believe that was more than ten years ago.
  9. Lot of funny ones on the list but Rex as Tarkin? I think you bad overestimate Rex's authority! Clearly Roger Goodell should be Tarkin.
  10. A bunch of guys from Florida, FSU, Clemson, Southern Cal and Louisville can't play in the snow? Shocking!
  11. Only a sample size of one, but I never saw a more excited fan than the guy I was sitting next to at the Bills game last year in London. He was wearing a Manning jersey (half the stadium was wearing gear from one of the other 30 teams) and came by himself, wasn't really rooting for either team but loved the game. He said he'd been to several NFL games. It seemed to me that the Brits were pretty into it, as of course were the Americans.
  12. Really? 'Wearing teams out' by sitting in a first class seat for an extra few hours one time during the year? Lots of people travel overseas for work a lot more often than that and for a lot less money.
  13. Never saw it....but I used to watch Duckman all the time! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEa0LR7CvE4
  14. That's nice, but you know we're going DB in the first round.
  15. Yesterday my twin girls had their Kindergarten holiday concert at school; cuteness was rampant. Every little girl dressed in her holiday finest, most of the little boys dressed neatly (a few with ties), and of course, the one tall kid in back wearing jeans and his Star Wars X-wing fighter tee shirt!
  16. I'd suggest starting with a hot, large breasted, Brazilian woman. Don't forget to post the photos here on TSW.
  17. Only problem with that theory is the Bills have proven the ability to !@#$ up their first round pick no matter where in the draft order they fall. Losing is a disease....
  18. Up by 21 with 5:00 to go.....fake punt time! Only Pete Carroll. And of course, the Rams are so inept, the punter is able to run right up the gut for 40 yards before almost being decapitated. High comedy all around. p.s. !@#$in A I wish the Bills had drafted Aaron Donald.
  19. 1. Whoever is playing NE 2. Whoever matches up best against NE in a potential future game 3. Oakland 4. Giants See, I couldn't possibly be interested in the NFL if I didn't watch the playoffs and since that of course never involves the Bills, I've developed specific playoff rooting interests.
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