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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Yup. Everyone wants a definitive champion, but the cost of that playoff system has been to ruin the bowl games. I miss the days when you had six big games on New Years Day, any or all of which could impact the final polls. And by the end of New Year's night you knew (usually) who was champion.
  2. LOL There must be some good books out there about the birth of cable TV and the web, and the rise of corporate/for-profit media starting back in the 80s and how that's led us to our modern days journalism standards. In 2016 people are suddenly in hysterics over 'fake news'. To quote John McClane, "Welcome to the party, pal."
  3. Thanks for the tip, we'd love that. I walked (hiked?) up to Grace Cathedral from the Financial District back around June. It's spectacular.
  4. Truncated for accuracy. Eyeballs and clicks are what drives all media, all the time.
  5. You are arguing semantics. They 'gave up' one and they spent one. 1 + 1 = 2. Spending two first round picks on one player (when there were two other equally good talents at the same position sitting on the board) was dumb. Spending two first round picks on a WR thinking he will make your bad QB into a good QB was even dumber.
  6. Kosar was done by the time BB got there; they were 3-13 the year before and BB rebuilt and got them to 11-5 four years later. Yes the Bills probably win 2 SBs with Brady. BB has won 4 and was close on 2 others. That's the difference. As for Rex, as was stated in the other thread, Whaley has assembled a .500 team so why are people upset that Rex has produced .500 seasons out of them? That's what middle tier coaches do. If Rex was a top tier coach he might get more out of the talent, but the Bills aren't getting a top tier coach here, ever. The alternative is bottom tier coaches who get less out of their talent and there are plenty of those around.
  7. Carroll (65) and Belichick (64) are the two current oldest and it seems to me they work at least as hard as anyone else. I agree 70 is pushing it, but this team could benefit from Coughlin's approach.
  8. But your initial response was to completely swallow and then regurgitate some ridiculous bullsh-- just because you read it on the internet. That really adds to your credibility.
  9. You think it's EASY being a sex-robot and having to look good all the time?!?! I'd like to see YOU try it sometime!!!
  10. That was hysterical. Who are those people? One guy looks like Drew Brees.
  11. Romo can have the same (or better) situation in Denver or Houston, there's no way he comes to Buffalo.
  12. The guy has a month left to go and he's on vacation again? Unreal.
  13. We'd have won by nearly 3 points per game and then had whiners crying after the fact that field goals shouldn't count?
  14. What I most like about that aspect is how they think the popular vote and electoral vote going in different directions is proof that the system is 'a vestige' as opposed to evidence that the system is doing exactly what it was designed to do (or prevent, depending on your perspective). It's as though these people lived their entire lives thinking the EC was just a funny way of doing math. As for us poor, poor Californians, I guess we'll just have to consider our disenfranchisement as another 'sunshine tax'.
  15. Excellent. Go Michael! Nothing will bring the middle class back into the Dem fold faster than a bunch of rich, whiny, coastal elites puffing up their chests while bragging about how much they can disrespect the institution of the Presidency.
  16. As a friend of mine who is a retired career officer in the military said; 'If I had behaved like Bill Clinton, I would have been demoted, fired and possibly court martialed. If I behaved like Hillary Clinton I'd have been sentenced to life in prison.' People acting like this vile woman was the worthy embodiment of some grand crusade should be punched in the face repeatedly. There hadn't been anyone more deserving of a crushing defeat since the 18-0 Pats*.
  17. This is what makes the popular vote whining particularly galling. Not only are the rules of a Presidential election very clear, but the candidates base their entire campaign strategy on those rules. Or at least they should have. Maybe Hillary should have moved outside the NYC-Hollywood-SF fundraising bubble a little more often.
  18. They shouldn't hand anyone the job. They should have 3 legit possibilities fighting it out in training camp.
  19. No it doesn't, but Brady wouldn't have begged for an offsetting penalty by throwing the ball at the defender. Even if Newton had gotten the call, he wasted it with his typical selfish, juvenile actions.
  20. 4100 yards, 85 rating, and a 2:1 TD:INT ratio in 18 starts for a horrible Bucs team. I'll take him over Fitz, Kap or anyone else they can get in the offseason.
  21. It should have been offsetting, but only Newton is dumb enough to get flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct in that situation.
  22. Who said it means nothing? But the inference that it means everything is foolhardy. The offense as constructed is not capable to coming from behind or winning a shootout which is why they almost never those games against the likes of NE, Oakland, Pittsburgh, Seattle -- you know, playoff teams. That's why they need a different QB.
  23. Who said blow it up all up? We just need to fix the secondary and find a QB to complement the running game.
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