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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. No Bills loss, no matter the circumstances, could ever surprise me.
  2. I guess it was his Last Christmas. RIP
  3. Yup. I so wish they had drafted Aaron Donald a few years ago.
  4. All I could think of when seeing this thread topic was "I'm not to sure I agree 100% with your police work there, Lou."
  5. It sounds like it's broken and he's probably done for the year. Total sucks for Oakland.
  6. No front office leadership = drafting guys who don't have fire in their belly. No on field leadership = guys who learn to coast and be pu--ies. Sammy Watkins is the most overrated Bill ever.
  7. Not care in the first place since you always know how it's going to end.
  8. Yes to all. This is simply not a winning organization and it consistently shows up in many ways and in the most critical situations.
  9. Does a tie kill Miami? That's the only reason I can think why you'd punt there.
  10. Good grief folks, get over it. Calling TO or not doesn't matter. If you give up 40 yard kick returns you're going to get burned.
  11. Every time Taylor leads a 4th quarter comeback, an angel gets its wings!
  12. And even then, at best you provoke a guy into committing a penalty. Hockey's a different animal. You can't just drop the gloves in football. p.s. I love Foligno.
  13. Unless you're going Josh Norman on OBJ, which few players are willing to do ethically or financially, you need to have an opportunity to hit a guy (like Landry did with AW), and those opportunities aren't that frequent.
  14. Did they reopen the Burglington Coat Factory? I bet I wouldn't recognize that neighborhood at all these days. I don't think there are any of the old bars left on that side of Broadway.
  15. And they didn't get that way by tossing away $15M on a whim.
  16. I really sick of hearing about the defense from 2014 as though they were the 2000 Ravens or the 1985 Bears.
  17. Can't argue with this; I was hardly dazzled by Wentz last night but he does show potential. The question is will he learn from his mistakes and grow next year and beyond. I think there's a good chance of that happening.
  18. I see. So a candidate lying disqualifies him/her from your support. Makes me wonder who you voted for, since obviously you would have written off Hillary Clinton as a hopeless liar 20+ years ago. Were you going to provide links to any websites that weren't constructs of the DNC or traded exclusively in hysterical and meaningless commentary rather than simple video evidence?
  19. I watched Woodland Critter Christmas last night; an absolute classic. Only Parker and Stone could come up with something that good.
  20. Is this the favorite weather songs thread?
  21. They're closer to East Rutherford than to Orchard Park?
  22. It's almost as if they've completely blocked out the entire decade of the 90s when Hillary's corruption and lying was the biggest running joke of the decade.
  23. So the standard of conduct you hold yourself to is Donald Trump? You must be very happy with his election win; or have a very low opinion of yourself.
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