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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Just getting around to watching The Crown (4 episodes in) and Silicon Valley (finished the first season). The Crown is really well done; SV is hysterical.
  2. 50 -- like others we have 3 little kids. We took them to a 'Noon Years Eve' party at the Discovery Museum at the foot of the GG Bridge. Good time, then out for burgers and now home for the bowl games. We'll stay home and ring in the East Coast New Year and still be in bed by 10.
  3. Accountability shouldn't refer to consequences for failure, it should refer to the mindset of each man to be mentally and physically prepared to do and give everything in his power to drive the team to victory. It should be his oath to his teammates and coaches that they can always count on him. It's what makes him study game plans and prepare for opponents. It's what keeps him from drawing stupid, pointless personal foul penalties. It's what makes him put his head down and drive an extra two yards for a key first down. It's what makes him aware of the situation so he doesn't run out of bounds and preserve clock for the opponents. It's what keeps him from smoking pot and getting suspended again. It's what keep him from showing up fat and out of shape. You see guys who exemplify this standard all over the NFL. You just don't see many of them playing or coaching for the Bills.
  4. On what planet does a playoff team trade their multiple SB-winning QB when they have no alternative?
  5. Rex is gone, I have zero interest in the one of 'his guys' critiquing Bills players.
  6. It's like going 17 months without getting laid. Of course you want to find a cool, hot girlfriend, but in the meantime you really just need to break the streak so pretty much any end-of-the-night barfly will do at this point.
  7. 10% of the franchise, vested to 100% when Terry & Kim die might do it. But in all reality, BB has built his prefect system in NE and is operating it at peak efficiency; and he has plenty of money. I doubt he'd be interested in starting over again under any circumstances.
  8. Even if that's the case, IMO it shows how tone deaf the FO is regarding anything related to the players. Taylor is already not feeling the love over the contract, the criticism, the benching this week, and this is just another slap in the face.
  9. I agree, but.....what kind of Mickey Mouse organization puts together a highlight video and doesn't include a single shot of the team's starting QB? It's just another little stupid thing that could only come from the Bills (or Browns).
  10. Yeah, that was hugely distracting and annoying. But that interview makes me feel better about the possibility of Lynn becoming HC.
  11. Same as everyone else: to distract me from the drudgery of my empty and meaningless life.
  12. Reggie Bush and Percy Harvin....Buffalo Bills striking fear into defenses like it's 2011!!!
  13. Except if he succeeded they'd still have a cap issue next year and if he didn't they still wouldn't have a QB. Of course, the most likely outcome was what has happened -- he's up and down, often produces pretty well but doesn't show that total command to make you think he's the long term answer. But now you're forced into anther awkward situation with the player and his contract, you have no other real options, and the team players (and fans) lose even more faith in the franchise watching this cluster!@#$ unfold.
  14. Yet another stupid contract clause from OBD. How did they think this would play out at the time?
  15. I'll hold off on the excitement until there is any evidence the selection process and FO dynamic will show any improvement compared to the last 17 years.
  16. I'm not sure he hates them, but MF is an unapologetic Yankees/Giants fan so yes, he has different standard for the Mets/Jets. Of course it makes his job a lot easier when you look at how well the Yanks/Giants organizations have been run and how poorly the Mets/Jets organizations have been run over the past 25 years.
  17. It's laughable what people here will talk themselves into. Reid has won 10+ games 11 times in 18 years. Bills have won 10+ games once in the last 18 years. What a bum.
  18. It doesn't matter if it was a headbutt or not. It's another example of someone on the Bills doing something stupid, selfish and undisciplined; this time is happened to not result in a flag, but it easily could have and shows his priority was on acting like a tough guy and not on winning a football game. This is why the Bills are a loser team and will never win until the organization is purged of every manager, coach and player who acts this way. It would help if the fans didn't condone and excuse this nonsense too, but that'll never happen. http://www.all22.com/nfl/jerry-hughes-headbutt-referee-video-gif-bills-vs-dolphins
  19. Yup. If the axe swings on Rex first it will mean nothing in the organization will change. Pick your new retread coach and pencil in another 8-8 season for 2017.
  20. You can say that again. Raaaysism!! Hacked elections!! Trump is a Nazi!!! Popular vote!!! Fake News!!!
  21. I'd take my chances on a guy who can actually get to the playoffs and wins 50% of his playoff games.
  22. So that puts Miami, who we've mocked mercilessly for their offseason moves and crappy QB into the playoffs with 10 wins.
  23. That attitude reminds me of all the people here who couldn't care less how many unsportsmanlike penalties Stevie Johnson got. The lack of basic situational awareness and understanding that the game is 60 minutes long (not 58 1/2) prevails at OBD from top to bottom and explains why they are a loser franchise. The point is, if the QB has a clue, the defense isn't put in that position. No one is ever accountable for stepping up on this team.
  24. How about a compromise; Harvin isn't actually on the team but the Bills send him a seven figure check every year. Seems more efficient that way instead of going through the motions of pretending he's still a football player.
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