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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Snookie answers questions like Whaley. It was a dumb as ever but I have to admit, Arnold + Lovitz is pretty funny.
  2. I can't begin to image the uproar had TSW existed in 1986 when Ralph made that penny pinching decision.
  3. Smooth and mildly disturbing?
  4. Considering at least 3 people did that in this thread I thought maybe Pegula has changed his last name to "Pegula's" and I missed the announcement.
  5. That's good to know. I just get very nervous about those eye popping stats that people get hung up on.
  6. And that's the problem -- not holding everyone to the same standard. Once you've announced a guy can do anything he wants because he's a starter, the team is dead in the water. When a starter gets cut or traded is when you start to change the culture. It seems to work pretty well in NE.
  7. Drafting a guy because he had 3 pick sixes would be an exceptionally Billsy move. It would be like drafting a first round QB who won four bowl games.
  8. He was hardly alone there. The list of people here bashing the Jets for not lavishing riches on Fitz was long indeed. Franchise TD Record + Leverage = 2016 Playoffs!!
  9. Yup. Huge contracts for meatheads who don't give a damn isn't much of a winning strategy.
  10. In the meantime Whaley will overdraft another project and/or waste 2-3 years on the Cardale Jones experiment.
  11. Until the organization commits to identifying and purging such players from the team, their draft boards and their FA lists, we can expect more of the same in years to come.
  12. If you're an optimist you could say 2023. After all, things usually work out better than planned for the Bills. The other silver lining is by 2023 Tom Brady will probably have retired. And maybe Belichick.
  13. I've never understood the love for Woods here either. I like his effort and grit but he's an average #2 at best; easily replaceable. I can't see paying him $9-$10M / yr like people were advocating in an earlier thread.
  14. Yup; I'd say 3 years. 20 years with no playoffs is a nice round #. That's when the real house cleaning and rebuild begin. How's the QB class of 2020 looking? That's when the new regime will be looking for a first round QB.
  15. "Come on Kyle, I promise I'll be lined up right next to you for at least half the games next year."
  16. Yeah, his favorite WR needed a whole year to warm up! That's the ticket! And don't forget -- "4000 yards as a rookie!!!!"
  17. Yet another playoff coach Bills fans can turn their noses up at. Classic.
  18. Home opener tailgate wedding? Can't beat the price and you won't need to provide an open bar.
  19. Yes to all, especially the first part. Goes down as another incredibly bad draft day decision by OBD.
  20. Fixed. When was the last time this franchise fielded a team that was well prepared and had high attention to detail and situational awareness?
  21. Adding more teams isn't going to fix crap like OSU getting a playoff slot over their conference champ who beat them. PSU fans have a right to be pissed. The system is still rigged. IMO Washington put up a pretty good fight; their defense was fantastic. If they can stop Bama on that 3d and 9 from Bama's 2 yard line the game is still in doubt in the fourth quarter. The problem is they are still trying to take the 'best' 4 rather than the most deserving 4. Conference championships should mean something.
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