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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Football isn't meant to be played by robots and isn't meant to be officiated by robots. Outlaw replay entirely and give refs back the confidence to make decisive calls.
  2. I've watched about 30% of the Raiders games and seen him drop at least a dozen passes this season. I thought he was supposed to have amazing hands?
  3. The heartbreak is going to last a long time in some quarters.
  4. Gotta take the diapers off and let the kid throw the ball. Whatever happens, happens. Playing conservative offense and strong D will work for Houston but not Oakland.
  5. Uh oh....looks like today might be Clowney's coming out party. He almost did the same thing on the first series.
  6. Do those red helmets come with a HOF QB, RB, WR and DE?
  7. So does Whaley. Man crushes are a big part of his draft strategy. I can't believe I'm saying this, but just take the best DB on the board at #10.
  8. Lots of faux outrage over a cop using 'excessive force'?
  9. In fairness to ESPN, God made Dick Schaap an offer he couldn't refuse.
  10. Yup; the pre- and post- game on ESPN was good back then. But those days are long gone and Berman wasn't bringing them back. Now they just hire no-talent people who have big mouths to scream at each other while repeating the same six highlights over and over. Unwatchable.
  11. Absolutely....sign me up. To replace Brian Kelly at Notre Dame that is.
  12. Rex got fired because he said to Pegs "I can't work with Whaley so you need to fire one of us" and in that case the easy move is to fire the guy who is the face of the dysfunction: the head coach. Plus Rex did a poor job. By comparison, Pegs clearly thinks Whaley has done a good job and deserves a chance to pick his own HC.
  13. Why would they? What would goofing on their day off have to do with their game prep? It wasn't goofing on a practice day.
  14. I wouldn't be shocked; they have an excellent defense and a big game QB. Certainly you Pats* fans don't want to see the G-men go on another playoff run!
  15. Who gives a flying !@#$ if he twitters a porn star? Jimbo was a punk too. Draft the kid and see if he grows up.
  16. It's so cute how Dems didn't really make an issue out of this because they were so dead sure that Hillary would be the next President. Oh well.
  17. They're gonna wear Hello Kitty hats? Cool.
  18. TO, Coryell, Fanaca and Tomlinson. Bruce is criminally underrated. He deserves enshrinement eventually though won't be this year.
  19. I've always liked Rex. He'd be a lot better than most of the guys on TV these days.
  20. I guess it's time for Fitz and Spiller to do likewise.
  21. Of course he's not a bust, but it was foolish to spend multiple picks on him under the delusion he could magically turn inaccurate passers into accurate passers. Meanwhile the clock ticks on his rookie contract and the Bills are still not a factor in the AFC. Watkins has the potential to be a great player but sadly also a reminder of the limited vision of Bills' draft day decision making.
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