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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. More like what a nutbag. It makes me happy to know these kooks continue to be so far out of touch with reality. Imagine being "unperturbed" by Jeff Sessions and Russian hookers because you are worried about your job and family. Excellent. Hope they burn the city to the ground.
  2. I don't think either of them beats NE. Neither will get to Brady as well as Houston did and the Pats will be much sharper than they were yesterday. It'll be another year of rooting for the NFC in the Super Bowl.
  3. Infuriating because this was the kind of game NE tends to lose in the playoffs. Give Houston any halfway decent QB and they likely win.
  4. As any Notre Dame fan can tell you, Will Fuller gets open deep like few other receivers, but he drops about a third of his would be TDs.
  5. Or gave it from a giant platform shaped liked the US. Pre-election I was fairly ambivalent about who won. Post election I'm elated watching these hateful, angry lunatics lose their minds. People like that deserve to lose. It also makes me happy we won't have a far left USSC or racist activists running the Justice Department.
  6. Looks like just another amalgamation of every combination of people and addresses available on the web. There are dozens of those sites.
  7. I get it, but 'Named' would usually indicate 'signed'. If not by the Bills, who has 'named' Frazier as DC? There's another thread saying Lynn has been 'named' HC of the Chargers. I assume that's official. Uncharacteristic lack of attention to detail from 26CB.
  8. And continues. Have you seen the fawning over his 'farewell' speech?
  9. That place is going to be insane with the airplanes.
  10. Yeah, I thought this was a done deal yesterday. I guess I need to stop relying on thread titles. We're usually more accurate here.
  11. You don't have any idea what kind of speaker he is in private, so you can't possibly comment on anything other than his public speaking ability, which I agree is below average. Attempting to link that to intelligence is absurd.
  12. That's because going out for beers with Thurman and Jim isn't going to be this coach top priority.
  13. The feed from BB.com was flawless for me. ESPN showed maybe 1/2 of it.
  14. Virtually every question in every press conference is unadulterated ****, but it was worth watching to get a sense of SM's demeanor. Plus, Kim looked good.
  15. Same here. They need to keep drafting but the reality is they won't find anyone better via FA or trade.
  16. Geez, under some of these scenarios the Bills would be out of the playoff race by Columbus Day.
  17. Wait...you mean Rivers would rather move a couple hours up the beach than come to Buffalo?? I'm shocked. Damn right. There are only so many places they can threaten to move. We should start a pool now for the date of the Chargers next relo after they bomb in LA.
  18. Yes, I'm sure all those preppy, New England moms who voted for Hillary will be tuned into this critical call to action! Maybe instead of ordering LL Bean, they can get their winter boots from a good California company: http://nypost.com/2017/01/13/shoe-company-recalls-boots-that-left-swastika-tracks/
  19. It's funny you mention that because I have a similar experience. She's always there, always nominated for something, but I could only pick out 5 of her movies I've seen, and only one of those was in the last 20 years. Like LABillz, I most identify her with being Dustin Hoffman's b---h ex-wife from 40 years ago.
  20. Same # of teams who had their 'we'll move to Hartford' bluff called by state pols after those pols told the owner to buy his own land and build his own stadium.
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