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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. It's even funnier if you read some of the groupthink on the Sabre forum. Of course, that was 80% left wingers so it was ok.
  2. CNN now telling us how Michelle and Hillary are best buds. Just look at that warmth between them.
  3. They sure do! Remember 8 years ago when the Dems ran everything and the GOP was a 'regional party' forevermore? How'd that Obama arrogance work out for you?
  4. They do argue that, and then retards like you shriek how they are "attacking school teachers and firefighters!!!"
  5. Just put down an extra 5% and you drop that payment under $700K. Now we're talking.
  6. He won because Hillary is the least likable and most corrupt person in modern US political history. Obama was obviously a poor President. /dev/null stated it perfectly above. I'll say Trump will be good if he's able to cut spending, appoint a decent SC justice or two and not get us into any wars. Anything else is gravy. He won't win re-election regardless of how he does. The left and their media have doubled down on their rhetoric and four more years of it will eventually wear down the voting public.
  7. That story would have been considered 'hate speech' eight years ago.
  8. Is it close to a "Bush oil buddy"? And of course there's no connection between the two. Here in CA, municipalities are now ordered to turn over a portion of their budget to the state to cover unfunded pension liabilities (Go union!). The lost funding means schools have to cut art, music, etc. Obviously the cuts will go deeper in poor communities but who cares so long as the union chiefs get their cut, amirite?
  9. gatortard, you must be thrilled Trump is working hard to carry out Obama's campaign promises. Lest we forget:
  10. Come on people, focus on what's important. Zuck doesn't like Trump so he's a-ok.
  11. Perhaps they interviewed Rob in an attempt to get some perspective on how the dysfunction worked in Buffalo last year, ahead of interviewing Thurman. I'm sure some take the position you can't hold Thurman responsible if Rex & Rob were both meddling.
  12. There are posts on the Nextdoor message boards here in Marin County desperately seeking "kitty hats". Liberals are teetering at the edge of sanity.
  13. And that's the difference between BB and everyone else. He is the only one who is willing to prioritize his system over any individual player. He routinely cuts contributing players and trades pro bowl caliber guys if either 1) they don't or won't fit the program or 2) it makes salary cap sense. No one else will commit to doing that.
  14. Aww....all those melting snowflakes. And one last look at Michelle (I thought this was funny enough to repeat now that we're counting down the hours)
  15. I assume they are changing things up since the goal is to compete for a championship and not merely a wild card. Everyone loves to point to the PPG average but we all saw what happened in Oakland when a good team who can score turned up the heat in the second half. In games like that and in the playoffs, you have to be able to respond with offensive firepower.
  16. This is the part that kills me. They completely ignored the most likely outcome because that made it easier to solve the short term problem. As usual this franchise has absolutely no foresight.
  17. Seems like it. Maybe I just don't pay attention any more, but other than a couple baseball players each year, you almost never heard of someone getting busted for 'roids. It seems more NFL guys get busted for pot.
  18. Can't they just pee in the street like in most "progressive" cities?
  19. I wonder how long it'll take Maher to have Coulter back on his show so they can laugh at more of her predictions.
  20. Latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll puts the estimate at 4 million.
  21. Good thing profiling people based on voting habits isn't the same thing as profiling them based on race or gender identity, huh?
  22. Rodgers of course is the greatest, but Prescott was really impressive. You just shake your head at how other teams find these guys. I'm convinced the Bills will never have another good QB. They just don't have any idea how to go about finding one. And I'll admit, I feel bad for the Cowboys; they are a really good team.
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