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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. So what happened to the Pvssy Riot? Where are the million women with funny hats?
  2. It was just another robbery....where the robber shot his victim several times from behind but didn't bother to touch his wallet, phone or watch. Like most things in life, that case reminds of Seinfeld:
  3. I don't recall any Russian computer specialists being executed on a DC street during the same time frame. Judging by the paint color, they apparently trashed other symbols of rich right wingers....such as the bus stop in the background.
  4. Oh...so now you're conceding Trump didn't draw first blood? Gotcha.
  5. You see a smile as she's looking at Bill? Was Michelle beaming in your world too? But I can't blame Bill. We've really upped our game with Melania, Ivanka and Tiffany.
  6. Just when you think the "wins" for the butthurt left can't get any smaller......
  7. Whatever. The left has been going scorched earth since Clinton was impeached.
  8. Not to mention a whole shitload of whiners at Salon.com, Huffington Post, Vox, etc., etc. And apparently, PastaJoe. Hey kids! It's the return of the Vast Right Wing ConspiracyTM! New and Improved for 2016! Now with Hacked ElectionTM and Russian InfluenceTM!! Don't miss out, order yours today!!
  9. Yet another silver lining to Trump's election, the return of indecipherable EII posts on PPP! Which reminds me, where's blzrul? She's late.
  10. "My husband made us campaign for you and you still managed to !@#$ it up? Pfft."
  11. Perhaps if their arrogance wasn't so profound when they are winning (or think they are winning.....lol), they wouldn't have so much heartache when they lose.
  12. Hahaha....some targets just never get old. In that way, she's in a class by herself.
  13. Fake Hillary smile sighting. Can't believe they aren't in a limo heading to the airport already.
  14. Not according to several things I've read on Facebook. Apparently millions of us were burning him in effigy eight years ago. It's like the butthurt is so strong it's saps all ability for rational thought.
  15. Hmmm....look who has the default mindset that anything said during the campaign should be ignored after its over. Big shock who you supported. Perhaps one of the reasons Trump is now POTUS is because he actually meant what he was saying during those stump speeches? CNN whining because Trump didn't acknowledge former President Clinton's wife.
  16. I decided long ago to stay far away from politics on Facebook. Liberals are such an angry, joyless and irrational crowd it's just not fun. They're all like PastaJoe. My most hysterical sister (who is entirely rational and unhysterical in every other aspect of life) has opted for the super serious "I'm not ok with this" story from one of the idiot sites that churns out left wing nonsense day and night. Others are dusting off the Bush-era favorite "OMG, he's such an IDIOT, he said blah, blah, blah!). And of course some are still clinging to the Obama legacy (apparently his biggest accomplishments were being graceful and classy).
  17. I have two sisters and a host of other friends who are just apoplectic at this stage. A conservative uncle was just publicly 'unfriended' The big dilemma seems to be whether to change your profile picture to a blank page or to Obama.
  18. I can't begin to explain how happy I am that I'm not seeing Hitlery's smug, evil face right now. It makes everything worth it.
  19. It just won't be the same. I don't look at Mike Pence and think "rhetorical flourish".
  20. I think I've developed gout over the last two months. I can't remember anymore. Who did PastaJoe blame for Hillary losing in 2008?
  21. Grace and poise? She walked in and is standing there with a puss on her face. Not exactly a herculean effort. Did you expect her to start screaming and throwing things like on election night, after the Matt Lauer interview, etc?
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