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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Actually, now that the Onion has been bought by a big Hillary donor you might be right. The Onion is now in the left wing line up of 'oh look we're comedy, so please don't notice us sucking the left wing tit' meathead is doing some serious trolling here. I for one find it hysterical that the retards who actually do buy into the Hillary 'experience' line are suffering even more greatly for their golden girl being trashed by the barbaric Trump.
  2. Of course it's still the Bills so they'd be more like Clintonian times.....cheat and still lose.
  3. At some point you have to move past the excuses. 49 catches in 4 years doesn't fill any role. He is who we thought he was.
  4. NBA Action...it's fantastic! Best part is the incredulous look on his face after the whistle. "What, I only took five steps!"
  5. Well, she does (allegedly) have a vagina. What other qualifications did you want?
  6. Eh...both losing teams today had terrible defenses that couldn't stop the opponent.
  7. And again, NE coaching staff creates an offensive game plan tailored to the opponent, allowing them to carve up the opponent.
  8. Try knitting a kitty hat. Seems to be working for people.
  9. Regardless of appreciation, that's why it doesn't make sense to overpay for guys Woods or Hogan until we have a QB who can throw the ball. If Woods goes to another team with a crappy passer, he'll look just like he does in Buffalo. If he goes to a team with a great passer, he'll look like Hogan in NE. Nice play calling Tomlin.
  10. Same old story; if you can't pressure Brady you have no chance. Pittsburgh can't get near him AND they can't cover anyone. And I can already see BB figuring out how to shut down Julio and the Falcon offense.
  11. Yup. Hope this team didn't peak a game early.
  12. But...but....they won the popular rally! Someone get me a change.org petition to sign!
  13. College coaches don't give a damn. They are paid to win as many games as possible with players who average two years as a starter. Any problems with drinking or beating women stops being the coach's problem as soon as the player's last game is over.
  14. What, your tax return doesn't list all your loans?? "tax returns" is just liberal gibberish for "show us all your financial records so the media can make any bogus inference they want about you so that our multi-millionaire candidate who we didn't demand release her financial records can win the election instead".
  15. Oh no, you misunderstand. It's not just abortion, it's that Trump is threatening "equal access to healthcare", as if women will now be barred from hospitals and doctor's offices. I don't think he wants anything to do with the subject either, nor do I think the USSC is within 12 parsecs of overturning Roe v Wade, regardless of who Trump nominates to Scalia's seat.
  16. Even an accountant like me understands how wholesale changes get made to websites. I would think enlightened progressives would understand there was an whole new website created over the last two months and someone just threw the switch today shortly after the oath. The 'where is the global warming page with the fawning Obama pictures?' outrage is stupid even by liberal standards.
  17. That's because they don't exist. A comment about deporting illegal felons somehow was morphed into 'Trump called 12 million Mexicans rapists and will deport them all' by the non-fake mainstream media. Nice ****-eating grin during the first dance to 'My Way'.
  18. I don't know how people conclude this. BB won 11 games with Vinny Testaverde in Cleveland and 11 games with Matt Cassel in NE. He shut down two of the best offenses of all time in Super Bowls, leaving little dispute he's the greatest defensive coach in recent (or all time) history. It's Brady that has greatly benefited from the relationship.
  19. Oh yeah....I think I was in third grade.
  20. Seriously, is there any other reason to have an injury report at all? It seems pointless to me. Yanking team's draft picks over it seems onerous.
  21. I went to the London game, but that was mostly an excuse for a trip to England to see my brother. Otherwise, nothing.
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