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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I'd love to post this on Facebook but don't want family members to stop speaking to me. I'll just have to enjoy it here.
  2. I think meathead forgot who coined the phrase "elections have consequences".
  3. Maybe Leon Panetta was in charge of the servers. Obama's pissed he didn't think to classify Climate ChangeTM as a disease before he left office.
  4. I met him in HS and he seemed like a nice guy. Unlike a lot of announcers, his enthusiasm for the event always came off as genuine and I liked him for that. No idea what comments he made recently, but Brent said a lot of off-the-cuff things over the years and it never seemed to be a problem.
  5. You've been yakking about that fish almost as long as ALGORE has been whining that we'd be living underwater by now. Can't we just eat them?
  6. I'm shocked g'tard didn't think it was a 'Trump supporters attack Muslim Immigrant' thing. But funnier that he's ignorant of one of the signature moments of Inauguration Day.
  7. Does that mean they'll stop to explain the thermodynamics while burning a Muslim immigrant's limo?
  8. That's just who Trump is, he can't let **** go no matter how insignificant. It's very annoying but it's also part of why he won. The establishment kept waiting for him to bow his head and beg for forgiveness after every outrageous thing he said, but he never did and that's what attracted so many people to him. As others have been pointing out, he's going to govern the same way he campaigned. To me, 'crowd size' and 'popular vote' are the few tattered shreds that remain from the Hillary campaign; the only things the PastaJoe's of the world have left to grasp. Because they were so confident/arrogant pre-election, they are still in shock over the result and still dealing with the fallout from their bubble being shattered.
  9. I've been curious as to who else did this. I voted for my 7 year old daughter so in case she ever runs I can say I cast the first vote ever for her. It seemed as good a reason as any to cast a vote in CA; you know, since I was there away voting on pot and condoms.
  10. Yup, once you have two politician lawyers in charge and billions of dollars flowing, you can put it in the vault that everything is on the up and up!
  11. And I'm sure there was a lot of "Hey, let's go to the protest, it looks like fun!" If I had been in NYC with friends, I probably would have gone too. Fun people watching outdoors on a nice sunny day, then out for dinner. Sounds like a good time.
  12. As Tom pointed out above, yes she was certainly heavily involved in Bill's administration and was even pumped as 'co-POTUS' as the kickoff to her decades long campaign for POTUS. But here's the thing: how is it that such a smart and capable woman could have learned so little from that experience? How could she have failed so completely in not one, but two Presidential campaigns, despite having every conceivable advantage? 2008 was hers to lose; she had the money, the organization, the super-delegates lined up, a popular former POTUS on her team, etc. And she completely botches it and lets a political neophyte take it away from her. Fast forward eight years and she again has all the money, organization, control of the media and party insiders, now TWO popular former Presidents on her team, and the lessons of THREE Presidential election cycles under her belt. First she nearly blows it in the primary and then in the general election she completely botches it and lets a political neophyte take it away from her (again). Sorry, but the only thing she is 'most of' in history is overrated.
  13. I don't think there's any way to know how many illegals voted. 'Millions' seems like a fanciful estimate, but the larger issue is we should be striving for zero. Therefore the motives of those who would block common sense measures (i.e., voter ID laws) need to be questioned.
  14. And if we are going to indulge in hypothetical, people should at least be honest enough to admit the vote would have been significantly different if the rules had been significantly different. If there was no EC, millions of voters would have cast a ballot for one of the two primary candidates rather than a 3d party or write in candidate. Millions more would have come out to vote rather than saying '!@#$ it' because they live in a non competitive state. Hillary doesn't win CA by 4 million votes if it's a national popular vote election. As a result, no one has any idea who would have won in a national popular vote.
  15. I still think he was trolling with that. Of course if being first lady is such a valuable qualification to be POTUS, Michelle, Laura, Barbara and Rosalynn must be in the all time top 10. Back it up John Adams!
  16. It seems like the Bush hatred dissipated pretty quickly after he left office, but I agree there is some permanent anger over the 2000 election. On Hillary, people have been hating her for 25 years and it just reached its crescendo. As for Trump, ten years ago half the people now wearing kitty hats were happily watching The Apprentice. And six months ago they still considered him a joke. But he has inspired a post-election response like no one I can think of since Lincoln.
  17. Shaughnessy is the resident contrarian/pot stirrer in Boston. He's been doing that act since I was in college. He loves trolling the natives.
  18. Perhaps he meant single most despised Presidential candidate in history. I don't think there's much debate on that one.
  19. Refreshing to hear someone from the left admit that. Sad that the left wing response to the election has been to double down on the same rhetoric. But you are off the mark in thinking that people consider Trump a diety. Yes his wealth has always been the root of his celebrity, but he didn't win because he was rich (although that's obviously a prerequisite to running), he was elected because he was the only candidate with balls. He was the only one willing to speak up about things that matter to people but that politicians refuse to discuss or address because of PC rules. He was the only candidate who didn't follow the same bullsh-- script that we get every four years. In short, he actually was a Hope and Change candidate rather than someone who pretended to be. And people knew it was genuine from him because he's been speaking his mind in the public eye for decades.
  20. Yup. The left wing nuts are so busy being hysterical they've failed to notice Trump is a lot more 'Bernie' than Hillary would have been. I have no idea if it will work or not, but Trump actually has an economic agenda he's been thinking about for 30 years. Contrast that with Hillary who's only agenda item for the last 30 years has been 'how to get me elected'. And it's amazing how the media has been able to create the image of him as a social conservative completely out of whole cloth.
  21. Interesting. It seems in recent years this same headline appears for one airline or another every few months.
  22. Well hopefully prison justice awaits those two, but I have to admit I like his line about the Titanic and the ark.
  23. What. The. !@#$. I had heard some blather about Ashley Judd but hadn't seen any of it before just now. It's actually frightening that someone could be that unhinged and still have people listening. But the StarTrek bit was pretty funny.
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