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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Ah, the new release. Just in time for Dr. TDS's rampage today.
  2. Actually PC liberals were the snowflakes then too. One mention of a birth certificate and they went apoplectic. Only difference now is they are angry PC snowflakes, which makes them easier to mock.
  3. Maybe she just has bitchy resting face. Kinda like all the liberals during the past 3 months.
  4. Much like an alcoholic who is able to temporarily clean up for appearance, many TDS victims are able to fool the untrained eye with what appears to be non-psychotic behavior. However, because the victim is still unable to process coherent thought, there is a heavy reliance on the 'cut and paste' method of communication, followed by the telltale sign of attempting to frame commentary as a question.
  5. Unfortunately the rise of this condition has caught all of us off guard and as such we are only at the stage of assessing the full range of symptoms and the spread of the disease. While we are hard at work, there is not yet a visible path or timeline for a cure. Every day we are seeing new cases. In other words, we believe the worst is still yet to come. And while TDS does share some similarities with the long identified EII condition, this new disease is far more dangerous and has already shown the capacity to infect previously sane individuals.
  6. Here students, we have an example of a moderately advanced case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. In this instance, the victim's detachment from rational thought is evidenced by the writing style in which the author appears to think they are making a strong point but unfortunately the disease only allows for an output of gibberish.
  7. I'm not sure you know what 'nepotism' means. Obviously he got work because his personality will attract attention on TV.
  8. So US rednecks attacked a mosque in Quebec? I'm surprised they had passports.
  9. Yup, the intimidation days are over and he'll likely never crack the top five again. But he can still be one of the gang of the next 20 guys who have a realistic chance to win if none of the top guys is on their A game that week. Can he deal with that reality? I think you're right -- he'll see how it goes in the majors but if he goes two years without a win or sniffing a Sunday in a major he may hang 'em up.
  10. I don't follow it much anymore, but have great memories of going to the US Open many times back in the day. In the 80s tickets were about $25, easy to get and there was an endless list of great players.
  11. I've had him on ignore for a while but will sometimes click the post when I sense he's said something really stupid (ok I know, that's like getting a sense the Bills are going to lose to NE) just so I can laugh and mock him.
  12. As with any vacation, it comes down to what you want to do. If you just want to chill and laying by the pool/bar is the top priority, they can both be good options. If you are the restless type who needs to explore and do different things, maybe not. My ex and I did an all inclusive resort in Barbados years ago and it was fine. The nice thing is you can control the costs. Costs of food and alcohol can run away from you quickly when you are on any vacation, but that's doubly so in a remote or vacation spot. Just do the online research (TripAdvisor, etc) to see which ones get good marks for service, cleanliness, sufficient restaurant options, food quality, drink restrictions, resort activities, etc. Also have done a couple of cruises; one when I was younger which was a blast -- we had a table with 3 other young couples and we all partied our asses off; almost got left behind in Ensenada. Did another one with a larger family group when we had a baby. It was fine too because we were happy with a very low key trip that time.
  13. I watched a bit of it last night; he still can't drive the ball accurately and he was way off with irons which was always the best part of his game. On the other hand he had several good chips/putts. Obviously he's never going to dominate a vastly improved tour field in his 40s, but it remains to be seen if he can tighten up his game and compete. That ship has definitely sailed. At this point I'd say it's at best 50/50 if he can break Sneed's all time wins record. 3 isn't a lot but every tournament is highly competitive now and Tiger may not want to hang around for another five years if it ends up taking that long. That's really the biggest question: does the guy still really want to play or does he just not yet know what to do with the rest of his life.
  14. Oh, I see. You're saying you hate the environment. Typical right wing wacko.
  15. One silver lining is the creation of millions of new budget hawks in our country. People who haven't mentioned gov't spending once in 8 years are now outraged over a mere $15B. Maybe there's hope for our financial future after all!
  16. Oh hell no....you know you're singing all 3 verses of that closing hymn!
  17. None of the above. meathead has gone nuclear on the black authenticity scale in the 'alternate facts' thread.
  18. And connor takes the murder of a drug dealer personally because the drug dealer was pardoned by Obama. That's the best joke yet in this thread.
  19. I think the Jets game has really stuck with people. It was early in the season, fans expected a win, Fitz pulled his "once a year I look like Joe Montana" act, and when it became clear the defense was going down the tubes for the season, everyone ended up in the crosshairs with the biggest starts getting the most heat.
  20. Great comment on that article from someone about rushing home from church on Sunday. I remember doing the same; we'd always go to the 11:15 mass so over a little after 12 and then impatiently trying to get my parents to disengage from post-mass socializing and get to the car so we could be home in time for the 12:30 start of The NFL Today.
  21. Give connor a break folks; the ban on torture is already paying dividends. We've been spared having to see Hillary's hideous face everyday for the next four years.
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