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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. They look terrible IMO. I remember the first time I saw a kid wearing one and thought he just forgot to remove the sticker. Turns out that's cool now.
  2. PF was a great show. I saw them in Foxborough back in college.
  3. Of course he had to be asked. What else was he going to do, call a press conference to announce things he regretted saying in his life? No good deed....
  4. I actually miss the snowstorms. I fully enjoy that process; checking the generator, stocking the fridge, bringing sufficient wood into the garage, etc. Watching the radar as the light flurries turn into heavy snow and waking up the next day to the world being completely blanketed; then spending the day tending the fire, cooking up some chili or a chicken & dumplings stew, taking the kids out to sled down the hill in the front yard. Even the shoveling (assuming it's a nice light powder) has a nice solitude to it. But I sure don't miss the following six weeks of 20 degree weather and slushy mess everywhere.
  5. I have to admit I have absolutely no idea if that was satire or not. And I'm not sure I want to know.
  6. Them and everyone else. Construction is booming in that neighborhood. Was just over on Mission St; great area. As for earthquakes, coming up on a year out here I'm still a virgin (knock on wood).
  7. Exactly. But somehow giving them an injection to speed things up by 3 weeks is inhumane. Gatorman level logic.
  8. Actually, the left would just call him a racist after his first abortion.
  9. Yes, suicide is a problem but we're not talking about people depressed over a divorce or the fact they're a gay teenager, etc. No one is suggesting making it easier for those people to kill themselves. We're talking about rational end-of-life care decisions, about allowing people the dignity and freedom to say 'enough is enough' when they are suffering with terminal diseases, rather than having our retarded medical system continue to push futile treatments on them. Not to mention it would save billions of dollars.
  10. I don't know how outraged we should be, but he's completely wrong on that point. Overall though, appears to be a solid pick. As for the lefty nuts, Trump could have nominated the ghost of Thurgood Marshall and the knee jerk lunacy would be the same. The talking points were already written; they just needed do a 'Search and Replace' on the name.
  11. Yup. The unintended consequences of replay having what should have been easily predicable results. As to the OP's point, this is why I almost never turn on ESPN or talk radio or twitter or any of that other crap (except this place). I watch a faction of the sports I used to, but when I do I turn it on when the game starts and off when the game ends. And the mute button for halftime and commercials.
  12. Is it too late to go back to college? I once got 76,000 in Atari Space Invaders.
  13. In NYC I worked for one of those companies that stocked copious amounts of junk food in the offices and they had candy cigs. I always kept a pack on my desk; right next to the scotch.
  14. Yes. It seems like a huge % either just flamed out or had mediocre college careers and no hope at the NFL. An ex-inlaw of mine has a son who was a top 10 TE recruit in the early 00s. Huge kid, big star at a top HS but it just didn't work out for him in college. I'm sure it happens all the time.
  15. I've seen some mild hysteria over this one, which will certainly be pushed to the back burner as soon as the SC fight gets underway. What is the left's problem with DeVos, other than being a billionaire?
  16. The problem is, if he stays here he amasses 650 yards and 4 TDs.
  17. I wonder if the DC Tom-bot can calculate the irony of this post? Nothing more pathetic than a woman standing by her disgusting, sexually abusive, Presidential husband!
  18. Well if a Brit tabloid says it's true, we might as well declare consensus and go home. Nothing left to debate here!
  19. Go easy on Eric. After 8 years of his 'I'm above the political bickering and petty attacks' routine, he's still transitioning into his new role as righteous Presidential critic and running partner of connor/gator/Tibs/whatever.
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