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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Yup; the Pats still would have scored 25 second half points as they would have driven for another TD. Difference is that would have made it 31-28 and Atlanta would only have needed to recover an onside kick with seconds remaining to clinch the game.
  2. Was that the same real estate developer who was screwing the nanny or whoever a few years later? I recall the Post being all over one of her divorces.
  3. No doubt Ryan blew it by not throwing the ball away, but Shanny should never have put him in that position. They had run the ball very well all game. They needed to run the clock. Their defense was exhausted and essentially incapable of stopping Brady by that point in the game. And worst of all, instead of calling a quick, safe, high % pass which might have been defensible, they had Ryan in full drop back looking downfield.....against a pass rush that had shown repeatedly they could get to him.
  4. Oak at 53 still showing more heart than anyone who's worn a Knicks jersey in ten years.
  5. Don't hold your breath. Even if he deletes his Tiberius account, he'll just come up with a new name and keep posting the same nonsense.
  6. I'm already seeing this after six month in CA. My second grader's teacher doesn't want her to get 'too far ahead' in the online math curriculum. Fortunately they can't keep her from reading.
  7. You would think with so much to choose from, even a moron like gatortard wouldn't miss this badly. Maybe EII will ride in to his rescue.
  8. Ah yes....once a red flag is 'raised' those city governments hop right on the problem! Eric, you've really become unhinged here in the early Trump days. Please pace yourself, you aren't young enough to keep this up for four (much less eight) years!
  9. Probably not to you because you are a blithering moron, but there are people who can actually educate their children properly (you know, the way virtually all people were educated for all but last ~150 years of human existence).
  10. Yup. That was the second worst roster in football when he took over, needed to be totally rebuilt from Schottenheimer's '80s teams. Four years later won 11 games with Testaverde at QB and garbage at the skill positions.
  11. It's what you call unoriginal TV shows/movies if it hasn't been long enough to call them "Rebooted". I watched the first episode because I sure as !@#$ wasn't going to watch the SB post-game. Standard TV junk food. His wife is kinda hot. But has every single season of 24 involved a mole in CTU? I mean at some point wouldn't you think they'd improve their background screening process?
  12. Clearly not the former if CPS called a WEEK after she pulled her kids out of school. I could pull my kids out of school for a week to go skiing and I'm pretty damn sure CPS isn't going to hear about it, much less come asking about them. Where are all the progressives to defend this black, single mother? Oh right....big, left-wing government always takes priority.
  13. That's probably where he learned the value of having smart, disciplined guys who were willing to be coached. No different than any other endeavor or enterprise with a large group of people. If you have weak links, selfish/renegade types, people who don't believe in/follow the plan, your chances of success go way down. BB only takes guys who are willing and able to stick to the script and the moment you can't, you're gone. His adjustments and game management are all top notch, but it's his ability to understand what value he can get from each player which results in the uncanny ability of the Pats to always be in the right place at the right time and know what to do, that sets BB apart from all others. He is by far the greatest coach in history. This too. Choking under pressure is a natural human reaction and most football players and coaches are no different from anyone else. But BB is; and again, he seeks out the type of player who like him, can keep his head in the most stressful moments.
  14. That's why I said coaching and Ryan. The coaching was #1; especially the complete abandoning of the run game in the second half and the final drive in particular. But Ryan's pocket and game awareness were terrible. Only way Pats get back in the game is with a turnover: Ryan turns it over. Only way Pats still have a chance is to knock Atlanta out of FG range: Ryan takes a sack. MVP's don't make those mistakes.
  15. No defense is going to hold up for 96 plays. They were on the field virtually the entire last 25 minutes of the game. Six punts and a lost fumble from the offense is almost never going to be enough to beat Brady. This game is 100% on the awful coaching and Matty Ice Statue.
  16. Yup, another time where the other team was stupid and unaware of their situation. All McCree had to do was fall down on the ground after catching the ball and that game is over. That's it, but he couldn't manage to accomplish that feat. If Seattle hands the ball to Lynch and Atlanta runs 3 times from the NE 22, today we're talking about Belichick/Brady's 4th consecutive SB loss.
  17. This is the guy who had the Kissing Suzy Kolber site, right? Where toasting Pats playoff failures was an annual event. Notice how the decline of KSK coincided with the resumption of NE winning Super Bowls. Sad, sad times.
  18. Funny part is, the Pats got a bit too clever for their own good on first down on the goal line in OT. Naturally the Falcon LB mistimes his jump and fails to make the game saving interception and the game ends on the next play. Just the way it always goes.
  19. Coaches that didn't inexplicably go brain dead in the fourth quarter of Super Bowls against NE. Twice in 3 years.
  20. The Bills comeback was bigger, but it was mostly accomplished in the 3d quarter. As far as chokes go, this was much worse, both from a coaching and player perspective.
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