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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Arnolds rocks. While you're there, might as well catch a movie at the Wellfleet Drive In. We'll be there the first two full weeks of August; can't wait. That's great about building a place; we've talked about it too. Trickier now that we're on the west coast.
  2. In all seriousness, it's a useful concept and the emphasis on soft skills is one of the reasons we like the west coast for educating our daughters. If you don't raise girls to know how to understand and control their emotions, they are in for a world of hurt down the road. But I roll my eyes at the need of employers out here to worry about kissing the asses of over-sensitive 24 year olds.
  3. Great; so only one more year to confirm that Whaley needs to go and Jones has no future as a starter? Sign me up! Bills are right on track to get their act together in time for the post-BB/TB era in 2020.
  4. Wifey has a place in Orleans, right on the bayside beach (Skaket). Nice town, far enough out without getting killed by traffic on 6 past the rotary, the beach is perfect for kids. If it's just the two of you though, you might want to go further up. Tougher to get in and out but once you are up there Wellfleet is awesome, Truro is really nice and quiet. P'town is nice to have close for dinner options.
  5. Trump will eventually figure out the keys to the job; plenty of golf and hanging out in Martha's Vineyard.
  6. Us old people need to work on our emotional intelligence*. * I never heard of it either until I moved to San Francisco.
  7. I don't know anything about DeVos, but if she's that distasteful to the entrenched interests who have been running things the past few decades, I'm all for giving her a shot.
  8. There's plenty to do; starting with cutting the size of her department by at least half.
  9. As long as Mt. Tam shields me from the blast.
  10. Wow, I remember when you were the cheerful anarchist, a big fan of chaos (with double smileys on all your posts). You got your wish, you should be enjoying this show more than anyone! I'm sorry....would that be your attempt to 'polish the turd'?
  11. LOL.....we've been passing this fantasy around the board for what, 15 years? Unless Giselle gets her retirement wish, I think it's pretty safe to pencil in 0-2.
  12. Can you imagine the ratings for his grand return to Celebrity Apprentice to fire Arnold?
  13. What would have made her qualified to head a 5,000 person branch of the federal government, being a kindergarten teacher?
  14. It'll be even funnier to think of it as Mike Pence beating Hillary.
  15. I'm guilty of doing it once a year over Cape Cod Bay.
  16. My cousin moved there two years ago, she loves it. Posts a sunset picture on facebook literally every day. That hasn't bothered me much; maybe I'm in an area with a lot of transplants. My biggest complaints are space, cost and infrastructure -- I've seen more street flooding in 2 months than in 40 years on the east coast.
  17. It means the same thing on PPP as it does everywhere else, snowflake. Oh, won't someone please give me an excuse to call everyone raaaaysis!!! Oops! He beat me to the punch!
  18. Not to mention, he doesn't seem to realize that Brady has 'slow footed possession type Leprechauns as receivers' by choice.
  19. You really need further guidance on that question? He actually wrote this kind of nonsense is 'work in the interest of the people'.
  20. Two years wasn't exactly an eternity. I'd say at this point it has worked out for Marrone.
  21. Absolutely. What's the downside of taking him with a day 3 pick? Especially for a team with no real QB on the roster.
  22. ​I'm sure once we have racial quotas for the beaches everything will be fine. Huh? What beach town in CA costs $600 for four days?? I dropped more than that in San Cruz and we were there all of 24 hours.
  23. If he truly didn't understand what the media was going to do to him once he announced he was gay, I feel sorry for him. I always suspected the NFL twisted arms to get the Rams (or someone) to draft him.
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