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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. The Bills outsmarting everyone else never fails!
  2. It suddenly occurs to me that Star Wars has jumped the shark.
  3. It would be a good trick question since there was no 'gold medal' game. The medals were awarded based on total points against the other 3 teams in the medal round, with the result against the team you played in the preliminary round carrying through the medal round (so the US-Sweden tie and the USSR d Finland). The US finished 2-0-1 for 5 points and the Soviets 2-1-0 for 4 points, hence the silver. Had the US lost to Finland, USSR would have won gold and the US bronze.
  4. Yes, but if you catch them on the right side of 30 they are a lot of fun.
  5. Nope; it was a round robin tournament.
  6. Or think we beat them in a 'semi-final' game.
  7. Or people who own their own business. Is he asking for gross revenue? Pre-tax income? What? And some people seemed to answer with net worth rather than income. Dr Sack reminds of the dope (or maybe was the dope) who once opined that anyone earning an annual salary of $66k was 'rich'. Kickboxing....sport of the future. Hey wait a minute, he was right! Lloyd Dobler predicted MMA!!
  8. There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark.
  9. I couldn't decipher the 'what do you make' question either. I was looking for the 'widgets' option.
  10. It is simultaneously easy and very difficult to properly eulogize someone you love. You did a beautiful job NG. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Skunk weed? I thought Oakland smelled like that all the time.
  12. I was able to work in a 'tequila bottle on the delete button?' reference at work today. 👍🏻
  13. Even The Sports Reporters, an excellent show for years, turned terrible when they put whiny dooshbag Lupica in the moderator chair. They really couldn't find anyone else after John Saunders died?!? I used to watch First Take on mute while on the treadmill at the gym. Even then it was a close call between that and Kathy Lee & Hoda.
  14. I just saw the ad with Richard Hendricks so it must be true.
  15. There ya go. How dumb would we have to be to repeat the Indians' mistake?
  16. Sabres will be there in the next two years. Bills aren't going to the playoffs until Brady is gone. That's what you get from a good, young core. Another year or two of experience and they start to establish their game on a more consistent basis. Meanwhile, the Bills never look like world beaters (except against the 49ers).
  17. Yup, as always. My sense is someone overvalues/overpays him. He was a good WR pre-injury but I think he gets elevated beyond his talent for playing in NY, salsa dancing, and being on a championship team. He was very productive 2011 but after that his performance tailed off a bit (as did Hakeem Nicks) and he put up Stevie Johnson-like stats for two years, and then got hurt. As I type that out, I become convinced the price tag would have to be pretty low.
  18. She is just horrible in every way imaginable. My wife had it one during that stupid, endless soliloquy/song. Fortunately she watched the rest in bed and I was able to change the channel.
  19. Seemingly not for the Bills. They've shown several times over the years they are willing to make that horrible mistake.
  20. I've already come to the realization the draft will be blundered as usual.
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