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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Absolutely. A young, improving WR who is already in the top 15 at his position with the #32 pick?? That'd be a gift for NE. People badly overvalue draft picks.
  2. You mean they're all not going to unite around Joe Biden or another 80 year old white guy?
  3. Then you've had a lifetime of worry. Both parties have been contributing to the long term detriment of the nation for short term political gains for decades, and the left has doubled down on that strategy since the election. So forgive me for not getting all worked up about the latest "OMG, Trump said blahblahblah!!" outrage of the day.
  4. He's not Hillary and pisses off liberal hypocrites = "Approve"
  5. It has nothing to do with harkening to a time before they were alive; it has to do with wondering what benefit they derive for 30-40% of their income when the evidence of government waste and largess is everywhere.
  6. The best part of every single Trump story is ".....and Hillary lost to him! 😅"
  7. The problem with that strategy is, like every generation millennials will eventually grow up. They'll start to look at the tax withholding lines on their pay stub and no longer be dumb enough to swayed by empty rhetoric about how social issue are under 'attack'.
  8. What a POS. I hate people like this. He's the same kind of a--hole who ends up screaming at airline employees when a flight is delayed. Over/under on the # arrests in his NFL career: 3.5
  9. I heard The Consumer Digest is already a no-go zone.
  10. Not only that, they'll white ball you if your parents out you as a honky.
  11. I thought the Canada internet was just down.
  12. Come on...this place has always been the unofficial "official" Bills site!
  13. Polian is just like every other media asshat out there. Just say anything that will get people to pay attention to you. And he barely even got any bad press about it. Ray Lewis must be thinking, "WTF, people still harassing me and all I did was help cover-up a murder!"
  14. A whole week?? Well, they sure are taking this seriously!
  15. I couldn't figure out how they were going to make a 100 minute movie out of a five minute incident. Then I saw Sully.....and I still don't know.
  16. I guess no one will be talking about anti-Trump Oscar speeches this year.
  17. Wow, that sucks. He did a lot of good stuff, but my favorite image of him is still smacking Anthony Michael Hall and Suzanne Snyder on the head with his shotgun. RIP
  18. ...before joining an Imam and a Mahatma to jointly decree their religions and peoples have agreed to settle all differences and recognize the hypnotoad is the one true evil in the world.
  19. I think I still have a scar on my back from the time my brothers had me doing wheelies on the Big Wheel when I was 7. Good times!
  20. Remember all your liberal facebook friends posting that one and calling it 'inspirational' and 'game changing'?
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