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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Always consult your vintage chart. In general, the 2012-2015 are in peak form now! https://www.winemag.com/wine-vintage-chart/
  2. Or not.....I doubt I'll be back in the office until next summer at the earliest.
  3. The tie breaker is who gets to replace Ginsberg and likely Breyer. If the left holds both Houses after election, we can have a happy stalemate for the next four years under Trump and ensure the sanity of the judiciary. The alternative is somewhat frightening.
  4. Good grief....wasn't he arrested like ten years ago?? Yet another great example of how far corruption goes when Democrats are left with unchecked power.
  5. States spiked at different times.....started w/ NY and the northeast, now it's moved south. That was always going to happen, so not sure why people are acting like a spike in FL is so different than a spike in NY. The real question is what happens after every state/metropolis has come out the other side of their spike. Herd immunity or do specific areas start seeing a second spike? The later is the thing that would be most worrisome.....of course we're being warned about a second wave but as far as I've heard or noticed from the stats, that's not happening anywhere (at least yet).
  6. Nonsense. They are interchangeable cogs who have someone else signing their paycheck like everyone else.
  7. Watching girls passing by, it ain't the latest thing I'm just standing in a doorway I'm just trying to make some sense Out of these girls passing by, the tales they tell of men I'm not waiting on a lady I'm just waiting on a friend
  8. It's on page 74 of the Left Wingers are Scumbags Election Handbook. Last time they used this one was in NYC in 2001, where they got their media buddies to run with the "Giuliani will use 9/11 as an excuse to not leave office" story. I forget...was this before or after Hillary broke decades of election night protocol by refusing to concede until 12+ hours after her clear defeat occurred?
  9. WHO made definitive statements against travel restrictions, yet somehow Trump should have demanded the country shut down back in January. And the left wonders why people no longer listen to their hysteria.
  10. Ummm.....so you are of the opinion that Trump could have prevented those things from happening? Please explain how.
  11. Maybe that’s because they’ve chosen not to publish it online. How many other large businesses have published their plans publicly?
  12. I’m so old I remember when Trump was ‘racist’ for suggesting we restrict travelers from China before anyone had died in the US.
  13. I got elastic bands keepin' my shoes on Got those swollen-hand blues I got thirteen channels of ***** on the T.V. to choose from
  14. We make the kids do it for b-day/XMas presents, but I think in general it’s gone the way off long hand letters. As adults we don’t send nor receive thank you notes for hosting parties, etc.
  15. It's nice when they are kind enough to announce right in the title that the article is completely fabricated nonsense. 600 times more likely? So they knew exactly 'how likely' a Siberian heatwave was for this year if there had been no climate change (as compared to when....last year? 1972? 450,000 BC?)? And they know exactly 'how likely' a Siberian heatwave is now, that there actually IS a Siberia heatwave?? Since there really IS a heatwave, doesn't that make the probability of happening 1? Are people really so stupid as to be impressed when they throw a big, scary number into the headline? Inquiring minds want to know.
  16. Blue jean baby, L.A. lady Seamstress for the band Pretty-eyed, pirate smile You'll marry a music man Ballerina, you must've seen her Dancing in the sand And now she's in me, always with me Tiny dancer in my hand Jesus freaks out in the street Handing tickets out for God Turning back, she just laughs The boulevard is not that bad Piano man, he makes his stand In the auditorium Looking on, she sings the songs The words she knows, the tune she hums
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