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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. There's only one lesson to learn, which is the same lesson the Bills refused to learn after their 2004 debacle. Don't draft a QB who isn't good enough to play pro ball just because you really, really need a new QB and/or the guy you really, really wanted was already picked. I watched EJ play a bunch of times at Miami and it never once occurred to me I was watching a future NFL QB. The reason for that is because while he was an ok college QB, he was horrible if you looked at him as a pro prospect.
  2. It was OJ. He only gets web privileges occasionally which explains the infrequent appearances here.
  3. Some of you guys are way over-thinking this. He's a reasonably capable, experienced and affordable backup, simple as that. Eli will probably still be playing when Geno's Giants contract is up.
  4. +1 Even after he's signed by another team we can't escape the stupidity of these EJ threads.
  5. I love Mad Men, but it wasn't really the type of show that can have a 'big' finale. The characters were all just going to go on. As for your next show, depends on how you plan to watch. BB is an all time classic, but IMO is not a show to power watch because (similar to Mad Men) you have to invest the time to absorb the character development of each episode. House of Cards meanwhile is just plain old good fun; a guilty pleasure. Binge watch away.
  6. Friday afternoon....everyone from the CEO on down pulling a cold one out of the office fridge to wrap up the week.
  7. Go Rhody!! Nice win today for URI and the A-10. Next up, Oregon. 25/28 so far. p.s. 538 has a cool page for picking probabilities by round. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2017-march-madness-predictions/?appsrc=sc&appsrc=sc
  8. You just know he's going to end up with a ring before the Bills even sniff a Wild Card.
  9. That was painful. In a keeper league so I got hang on and hope for a return to rookie year form.
  10. Ah, I missed that you were referring to certain esteemed posters here. Yes, plenty were saying that or suggesting the Bills resign him. I was thinking actual football people.
  11. You mean besides the NFL rules committee? Brady would be long retired had he taken the pounding that QBs in the 80s and prior routinely absorbed.
  12. No he didn't. Everyone knew who he was long before week 17.
  13. It doesn't get any more 'typical liberal' than getting your opinion on Global Cooling Global Warming Climate ChangeTM from a guy who majored in Music Theater.
  14. No ****. The climate has been changing for the last 4.5 billion years and will continue to do so for the next 4.5 billion years, regardless of whatever tiny eye-blink of time humans exist on the planet. The hottest year 'on record' means out of the last 150 years they've been keeping records. What's the scientific consensus on relying on a sample size of 150 / 4.5 billion? So we're left with analyzing broad data to understand large scale climate changes in the planet's history -- rounded to the nearest ten thousand years -- to raise hysterical alarms over temperature readings in the last 20 years?? Comical. Six months ago CA was about to have another dust bowl (because of.....'climate change'). Now our big problems are potential dam failures and failure to build enough reservoirs. Cue the "extreme weather!!" excuse.
  15. I don't know if they were discontinued, but I haven't seen a bug zapper in about 30 years. One of the joys of childhood was that blue light and low buzz coming from the bug zapper in the back yard. And of course the enjoyment of each little execution.
  16. I've heard this kind of fear mongering since Reagan. What examples are there of our progress back to Leviticus?
  17. The Bramble Inn on Cape Cod is lovely for dinner. A small family place, good food. Everyone minds his business. Perfect for you two.
  18. Same here. Thing is, I came to realize that social change and resulting policy really is still based on a mandate from the people. The politicians just follow the crowd and later try to take credit. The most obvious example of this in recent history is gay marriage. Obama denounced it as a candidate, then after being elected realized public opinion had finally shifted on the issue. So he dispatched Moron Joe to make a pro-gay marriage statement and once he confirmed there was little or no backlash, he then came out in favor of it ('evolved', wasn't it?). Then suddenly there were court cases everywhere looking for confirmation of new rights. The road to gay marriage was paved by people like Ellen Degeneres. The Obamas and Clintons of the world were nothing but opportunistic bystanders. Fiscal issues meanwhile, are entirely directed by the policy makers and we are entirely at their mercy. Thus, stance on social issues is the very last thing I consider in any candidate.
  19. I got this far in the article before I decided I needed some help with the math. So she showed up in the US in 1999 ready to work hard and put her American Dream to work. And somehow managed -- in only 14 years -- to land a job an entry level job at McDonald's?
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