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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. It's a crime there's no video. She goes in the Hot for Teacher HOF.
  2. When they start paying their own bills.
  3. Of course not. I imagine he has most of the $20M or so post-tax money he's earned, but let's be serious; his role as an activist or anything else largely depends on his ability to continue staying in the public spotlight by playing football. If he wanted to be a full time activist he'd have announced that by now. He wants to keep adding to his fortune before he decides what's next in life. The charitable contributions are an investment in his brand, which has probably taken more of a hit than he anticipated.
  4. Hahaha...that is certainly my #1 'Would Ya?' show. I used to watch it all the time in the Angie Harmon/Carey Lowell/Jill Hennessy years.
  5. The Godfather Tootsie The Sting Dances with Wolves Can't name a fifth....Shawshank, LA Confidential, Apollo 13, Godfather II, Goodfellas (last 30 mins knocks it out of the top 3), American Beauty....lots of contenders.
  6. Oh, some goods one in there. Rosa Klebb and Hans Landa are my favorites not already mentioned.
  7. Which is why spending multiple picks on any one player is foolish.
  8. You're quite clearly offended by people who don't like Kap. His defenders here have been far more vociferous than his detractors on this topic since the start, which I find odd.
  9. I have a friend who did that. He decided watching football was hypocritical if he wasn't going to allow his sons to play. ALS is the worst disease ever; very sad for Clark.
  10. Aren't we all already underwater? Isn't that what ALGORE promised would happen by now?
  11. Ah yes, the 29 1/2 year old multi millionaire who's just barely out of puberty, right? He just needs to 'figure things out'. Hilarious. And never mind the fact he sucks at his job, which is the whole point. If he could play QB I wouldn't care if he took a **** at the 50 yard line during the National Anthem.
  12. Bingo. He's not worth the PR hassle because as a QB he sucks. If he was Derek Carr and was a PR hassle, he'd be worth it. You don't buy PR hassles for a bad back-up QB. Too bad this dope didn't understand that before he voided his contract.
  13. !@#$!!!! Iverson fouls a guy throwing up a desperation 3 as the shot clock runs out and on the next trip they give up 2 offense rebounds. Six point swing in the last 2 mins cost us the game. I'm so !@#$ing pissed off right now.
  14. I assume any regional economic development (there are about 5 on that list) is nothing more than old political payoffs that have been institutionalized.
  15. Certainly one of the most overrated players of his 'era', but that's about it. He won't be missed.
  16. Man this **** is way overdue. And it's exactly what I wanted to see from Trump. Other than maybe the Chemical Safety Board, every single one of those is either a useless sop or something that belongs in the private charity or at a local level. Honestly, can anyone defends any of these??
  17. That would require major publications to have not 'picked a side', which the Time magazines of the world did a long time ago.
  18. I agree with that, but to me that says the Giants will look to draft someone in the next couple years and have Geno as the vet backup. Of course Geno could surprise but I see that as a longshot. Eli has 3 more years on his contract so that would be my guess for when he'll hang them up.
  19. Worst pick: Maybin -- he was so bad he shouldn't have been drafted at all, talent-wise he was a camp cut. Guy simply couldn't play football unless he was lined up against 20-year old future insurance agents and high school coaches. Mike Williams may have been a disappointment but he started something like 50 games. There's no comparison between those two. Worst decision: Losman -- they still hasn't recovered from the ramifications of that trade/pick. It's blasphemy to even suggest it, but yeah, Marino should have been the pick.
  20. I thought it was whitey's fault for not realizing Kaepernick was right to show us we are all racist and need to apologize for and feel bad forever for being bad whitey. Kinda like how we should have all voted for Hillary because only bad, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic people voted for anyone else.
  21. That's funny. Yeah, BB -- and really most of these terrific drama series of the last ten years or so -- is very heavy stuff.
  22. No, I always thought that was creepy. They have doctors in the delivery room for a reason. Oh, wait....
  23. I find it tough to compare comedy and drama so I'll cheat and do them separately: Sopranos Mad Men Breaking Bad House of Cards Downton Abbey South Park Seinfeld Curb Your Enthusiasm Beavis & Butthead Simpsons Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Hour (pre-PC era)
  24. It sounds like you need a new place to work and/or new friends. Can't really relate to those kind of people.
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