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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Naah, I'm ok. It only hurts when I have to climb the long flight of stairs up to my front door.
  2. Are these the same "landmark" protections the Obama Administration thought we could live without for 7 1/2 of his 8 years in office?
  3. No doubt, she was the biggest hawk in the crowd. She has much bigger balls than her husband. But I think she would have leaned well left on a lot of domestic stuff to placate the retards. And sadly, SC justice picks seem pretty binary these days. Very few moderates whose vote can't be predicated anymore. Her election would have dramatically tilted the court for decades. Trump's win allows the balance to be maintained.
  4. I'll take em at any age, but ideally I'd put a few extra years on the ladies. Can I order a 27?
  5. Any sitcom or drama/comedy on the major networks except an occasional Simpsons or Seinfeld rerun. Anything labeled 'reality'. And certainly anything starring a former SNL cast member. Any combination of 2 or more of those factors should result in a ban from TV.
  6. The most pathetic and distressing aspect is that there are virtually no Senators capable or willing to stand on their own principles. So other than a few outliers, every Dem is just a string puppet for Chuck and Diane? Republicans are no better. That is a huge shift from a generation ago.
  7. If we reverse aging will we all turn into Benjamin Button or will we get to freeze the aging process at the perfect time? You know, kinda like liberals think should happen with the planet's climate.
  8. I love the hysterics people are in over Trump overturning crap Obama enacted 7 years into his Presidency.
  9. I think a lot of us started working life at $3.35/hr back in the 80s The Bradlees in Norwalk CT hung on till the bitter end. Nasty store.
  10. Sounds great as long as you have unlimited funds to go with your unlimited health. But if no one ever aged, hospitals would have some really crowded nursery wards.
  11. Uh....does he mean like they have been for the last several million years? He's seen that written in headlines at least 97 times in the past ten years, therefore it is scientific truth.
  12. Why does anyone care about poll #s after an election (or before an election in the most recent case)? Does he have to resign if his poll #s are too low? Reminds me of the idiots who always blather about someone not having a 'mandate' because they didn't win by enough. Guess what? Winning is the !@#$ing mandate!
  13. Sure, I remember when there were Ames all over the place; not exactly a high end store but it served it's purpose in the pre-Wal Mart days. I bet far fewer remember another CT-based discount (though higher quality) store chain: Caldor.
  14. I'm sorry, but there's just no way to get past that name.
  15. But he won't play for nothing. Someone will need to give him a multi-year deal.
  16. That would be the best thing ever. Unless you can explain why exactly we need a 5,000 person federal department for something that is run entirely at the state and local level in this country.
  17. Thank you to the New York Times for shedding light on such an important issue. There should really be a safety net in place so children of former most-qualified-candidates-of-all-time don't ever have to face such hardships.
  18. No doubt, because it keeps him in the public eye. I don't know the guy so can't opine on how genuine he is, but I strongly suspect he wouldn't have put up with all that crap if he didn't really believe in his protest. And regardless, he didn't do anything wrong, kneeling is his right. Now I couldn't care less what he does during the National Anthem, but obviously some people do, and those people feel just as genuinely in their opinions as Kap does in his. And therein lies the real issue with the Alphadog PC-rant above. He distills everything down into the narrow view that anyone who doesn't genuflect at Kap's feet is just wrong and probably a racist. And for some reason I really set him off with the mention of Kap's effort to rehabilitate his public image. It seems rather naive to think that regardless of what other motivations he has, Kap wouldn't be aware of the potential positive impact on his reputation at a time when he's looking to stay in the NFL. Apparently that's because Alpha views the act of marketing oneself as some kind of dodge for shady people, which shows a odd lack of understand of the imagine-driven world around him.
  19. When was Revis ever a great leader? He's been a selfish malcontent his whole career. The last thing I want on my team is a guy like Revis when his skills are in sharp decline and he's forced to play for a fraction of the salary he's accustomed to seeing.
  20. 59, including legends David Woodley, Rex Grossman and Vince Ferragamo. I love this thread. Newton leads the league in hype/performance ratio.
  21. Yet it's worth repeating because plenty of folks get sucked in every time we see another running QB who is going to 'revolutionize' the QB position after chewing up some college defenses. People here actually want the Bills to sign RG3. It's unreal.
  22. There is but it's four steps now. Five in the NBA. Of course they held the lead in both instances and their defense created the Weber TO call. He was about to get a five second call anyway.
  23. Yup, and he still went in the 30s. Jones will be gone before the Bills' second round pick.
  24. What are you charging them for room and board?
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