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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. How dare Comey do anything to blunt the impact of the left's own dirty October Surprise (the ten year old Trump-Billy Bush video)! Every single day I am happier because she lost. Not even the 18-0 Patriots losing comes close to the sheer joy of seeing this hateful shrew go down in disgrace.
  2. Who the hell is Charley Hoffman? Great round dude, keep it up!
  3. Wait...so now bitcoin is a verb?
  4. Good point! I missed the time/date of the arrest.
  5. I get that no one really wants to be drafted by Buffalo, but it seems to me some guys are much more connected than others to their home area of the country. Lynch is a guy like that; west coast guy went to a west coast school and wanted to be on the west coast. I can't believe that isn't detectable in a player interview. And if it is, drafting them is crazy. Yeah, you make an exception when it's OJ Simpson, but not when it's Lynch and you already have McGahee on the roster.
  6. Good for Romo, I always liked him. I think he'll be good in the booth. And huge win having him replace the horrendous Phil Simms. Simms was always a good guy but he just isn't cut out for that job.
  7. I dunno but it seemed like every time I turned on a prime time game last year Houston was playing.
  8. Well that was a pretty horrible trade for Indy so not sure I want the Bills to use that as a model. Not to mention the prospect of spending the #10 pick to replace the guy we just traded for a 2d round pick + Ed Wang doesn't seem very appealing.
  9. Perhaps this year TNF can expand beyond the AFC South Game of the Week.
  10. Bingo....same with every sport. The players aren't robots so why the obsession with attempting to make rules and officials that way? His article and examples are weak. The analogy is not a ball/strike call, it's a Jeffrey Maier play. Should they have made the Yankees and Os come back the next day and replay the last inning of that game? No, everyone doesn't want that at the cost of destroying enjoyment of the sport.
  11. He's right though...I don't follow it at all but you just can't miss the Warriors talk. Every my daughters in Kindergarten talk about them. And sadly, I can also sympathize with NG here....the UCONN women hype has been pretty annoying for at least ten years now. At least in the early days they had a legit rival in Tennessee. Although from a cursory review of their schedule I wonder if the competition level in women's basketball is slooooowly spreading out a bit. But for most of UCONNs run they've been more like a dominant high school team who just completely outguns every opponent.
  12. LOL....reading this thread I realized that was 1994, which means I married my first wife on May 28.
  13. Maybe he just tailgated for the whole game in the Parking Lot at Shea.
  14. There should be an extra penalty for an adult wearing a St Patrick's Day tee shirt any day other than St Patrick's Day.
  15. I walked by a small gathering on the way to the ferry after work today. 4 or 5 Mexicans standing/sitting around doing not much....except wearing "Fight for $15" tees.
  16. Meaning they'd change the game to eliminate TV timeouts? That would be nice but I wouldn't pay for it. I might however, be willing to buy a Bills games-only package for a reasonable price. I can't believe they won't offer that.
  17. I can't wait till camp when everyone talks themselves into believing 11-5.
  18. I thought you just called it shooting over there.
  19. As it should be. Maybe the guy didn't need to shoot him, but there is no possible defense for breaking into someone's house and if you elect to do that, you have made the decision to take whatever comes with that territory.
  20. Gee really? Uber drivers get in accidents just like everyone else? How shocking. Funny how you never heard about taxi drivers sexually harassing anyone. I guess that's never happened before.
  21. Good game when the refs weren't trying to ruin it, but horrible last 75 seconds for the Zags. They completely abandoned their offense and had the guy who just rolled his ankle toss up two bad shots on their last two meaningful trips. Bummer.
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