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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Just get a tricked out RV like Madden, what's the problem? 😅
  2. Your prior post was ripping the police, not United. My first post in this thread stated United should have upped the offer (in fact, they should be required to by law), but that's irrelevant since cops don't have the option to pay people to comply; either you do as they ask or they are forced to use physical force on you. And my grandmother would be 112, but at no age would she have acted that way in such a circumstance.
  3. Either the guy moves when asked or he doesn't. Always so easy to blame the cop whose job is to remove the guy who refuses to budge. How else exactly should it have been 'diffused'? Now on a lighter note, I usually stop paying attention to these stories once the outrage factor goes to 11, but in this case social media is really delivering the goods. Some of the memes I'm seeing are hilarious.
  4. Authorities?? What kind of crap is that?
  5. I'd have picked up his ball and chucked it into the woods.
  6. If the guy had moved his ball 1/2" on the green, EII would have been fine with his treatment by police.
  7. Sure there would. 'Teams' boils down to one or two individuals who need to make the call and those are people who are just as unsure of the next move as anyone with a difficult job. They shy away from Kelly because he's a bad egg and they don't want to look bad if they take a chance on him and it blows up. But if you stay away from him and he becomes a star, no one is going to point fingers at any one GM. Therefore the risk profile says stay away. So that's why only teams who are fearless (or desperate) will consider him. And yeah, I bet the Pats* are on that short list too.
  8. Wow. My band name is Jay and the Hitless Wonders. Time to get Conforto into the lineup. Also time to find some infielders. I just realized how bad that IF line up is......it's about as far away from 1999 as it gets.
  9. Then you offer $1200 + hotel, and so on. Supply and demand always works.
  10. One time we had a sales guy who did this; we found him on a SJ Sharks site, posting negative reviews of competitors on an industry board, and posting nude selfies on another. Most fun I ever had firing someone.
  11. That's exactly what we're going to see. I agree we're going digital, but governments aren't going to just happily step aside and let bitcoin or whoever take over the global money supply.
  12. I'd sign up for four days of that!
  13. It's unfortunate, but it's just one more step in a deterioration that's been happening for years, just as Reid's was 4 years ago. Naturally the mainstream fake news outlets only get hysterical about it when the GOP is the party pushing further down the road of no return.
  14. Yes of course, everything was peachy before yesterday. 🙄
  15. B, obviously. Unless of course, like every draft not featuring John Elway, you have no idea who the top QB is, in which case you must go for C or A.
  16. Welcome back to the crowd Charlie. This is why guys 10 back are still in the mix before the weekend. Phil, Rory, Spieth, Kuch, etc are right there. And I love Freddie Couples 3 back!
  17. Hooters or Buffalo Wild Wings for wings, of course.
  18. Unknown. Wasn't there still :04 left? Giants probably would have run a Homerun Throwup play.
  19. I don't understand the Aikman hate at all. He's knowledge and doesn't talk too much.
  20. My sisters got me on facebook years back; it's fine for connecting with extended family and old buddies but it gets tiring seeing the same people post crap constantly. And it gets really tiring seeing the same people endlessly crying over politics (the block function is mandatory during election years). I mostly use it to post pics of the kids; Christmas, Father's Day, summer vacation, etc.
  21. Dude is a tough, smart vet who catches the ball. Still looks like he can play to me.
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