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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. /thread. Other than a live game (which is rare) or an occasional 30 for 30, I find no reason to ever watch that channel. How much time should they spend delivering a 3 minute message? Especially with 100 of them to get through. I've seen layoff day several times in several different companies, and from both sides of the equation. Been laid off and been the person tapping shoulders and saying "hey, can we chat?" when everyone knows what that means. There's no reason or benefit for either party to dragging things out once the die is cast.
  2. Dammit, if I'm going to let someone show up on demand and chauffeur me anywhere I want to go in a private car, I damn well expect it to be dirt cheap!!
  3. Because he's listened to the steady drumbeat of nay-sayers over the past decade or so who seek to discredit all standardized testing as 'unfair' or some other such nonsense. It's become the reflex thing to say. Also in this category: "teachers give too much homework" or "homework doesn't benefit students"
  4. I'm usually in the fairway. Of the next hole over.
  5. Been there....make sure you have a ton of stuff to keep them occupied and charge up those tablets. Hopefully your plane has personal seat TVs.
  6. I love that south DE area; we did trip to Bethany every year for about a decade. We've got two weeks planned on Cape Cod in August -- can't wait.
  7. I never found her the least bit attractive, even back at the peak of her career 20+ years ago.
  8. And we're still dealing with the fallout from the resulting lack of comp picks.
  9. Wow, 100 days already? So what day is the impeachment vote?
  10. Certainly disappointing they couldn't hold on to Gilmore, but Woods for $8M is crazy. The Rams will regret that one.
  11. Absolutely. It's fashionable these days to bash any standardized test so people just repeat that nonsense, but those tests are a baseline tool to understand if a guy has completely blown off education his entire life. I have no interest in a QB who doesn't possess some minimal ability to communicate in English or process simple math problems.
  12. I could see a team taking him on as a reclamation project once his contract is over, but that certainly shouldn't be the Bills. They have enough to worry about.
  13. Wow funny, I just watched that last night. That's one of my favorite teams ever. That team deserved a longer run.
  14. What schedule are people looking at? Atlanta, NE and maybe KC are the only games in which they are probably outclassed. Otherwise every other game is winnable if Tyrod and the defense get their **** together.
  15. It's stupid regardless. The nature of basketball involves a high risk of lower leg injuries. It's about the last thing a guy who can't stay on the field because of foot issues should be doing. People who can't or won't see the difference between that and 'living in a bubble' are being obtuse.
  16. I think the NFL is just hoping the division race isn't over by Halloween this year.
  17. Great pastime for an underachieving and oft injured football player. Guys never hurt their foot playing basketball.
  18. This, thank goodness. Wasting time and money harassing people for smoking pot is absurd. And yes, I had my first legal puff last weekend in our garden.
  19. Giants season officially off the rails. Bumgarner to DL after crashing dirt bike.
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