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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. And if it works again it'll be evidence that he's good at his job and should stay.
  2. I don't understand how it's clear cut. Did the guy show up in court with a personal check from Watkins and an affidavit certifying the signature was genuine? Did he bring a notarized paper trail showing where the money came from? While guys on a Buffalo Bills fan board may be familiar with the details of his contract, assuming that a judge in FL has ever heard of Watkins much less knows what his contract says is fairly ridiculous. I imagine that's why he wanted Watkins there -- to testify that he does in fact have an NFL contract, $X of liquid funds, did post the bond, etc. That's the whole point, putting someone on the hook for coming up with the money. That happens via court testimony. People here seem to think the judge's job is to investigate that in his spare time. If you're going to post million dollar bonds for people, you just might need to show up in court. Shocking concept.
  3. No Cohiba with that GM?? Lots of yummy choices on the menus, but I'll need a good cigar to close it out.
  4. Seems like it's based on championship futility. Bills are 0-6 in championship rounds in the modern era and have won nothing since 1965. SD has never won a championship of any kind. Or maybe it's based on which fan base has the thinnest skin.
  5. Glad someone is thinking of his future health with some veggies on the menu.
  6. Heck, they could find 17 experts on this board easily.
  7. No comparison. Corleone was a family. Cicero was a crew. Plus, 40s mob >>> 70s mob all day.
  8. That's because she is a bad person, one of the very worst in fact.
  9. I expect him to be as dominant as all the other first round picks over the last 15 years.
  10. Is that the same Riley Cooper who last played in 2015 and still has no takers? Good comparison. Boy those suits have really driven the league into the ground.
  11. Hillary, obviously. How many embarrassing losses does it take to get the message?
  12. This, especially since a contract to perm role could evaporate for a whole bunch of reasons and then you're looking for your 4th job in less than two years. That not odd, that's just her being a chick. She wants to bang without a condom.
  13. Hell, they won't wait till it goes south. They want to know who to blame right now.
  14. Fixed. You don't want to get into all the tax withholding and benefits crap.
  15. What on earth are you talking about??? I go to the movies dammit, so the Coen Brothers better start being more up front about their casting decisions!!! It's simple respect!
  16. Sabres v Rangers in '18 Winter Classic, to be played at CitiField. Awesome!
  17. As well they should, in addition to charging the fuel portion of the ticket based on weight of passenger + luggage. There are larger seats available for purchase and many other forms of transportation available for those who can't fit in a seat.
  18. I always loved the minis you'd get at Halloween for the Krackel and Special Dark.
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