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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I wasn't aware AH was already in the Pats HOF. When did that happen?
  2. We have a fully stocked kitchen at work. I make a turkey/provolone frequently; multigrain bread, lettuce, avocado. Sometimes I'll go roast beef or Chx salad. But today I went out and got a burrito.
  3. Come on, no one's going to bait John with a Kobe comment?
  4. LOL....you never know! Nothing wrong with liking a good player/good guy, but we've spent way too much on this board over the years talking about Brian Moorman.
  5. Exactly right. An embarrassment that should be buried, not celebrated.
  6. Yup, but don't blame the girls. It only takes one malcontent + lawyer to make a class action lawsuit.
  7. Given Sammy's promise: results ratio, he'd be a great fit in the Mets rotation.
  8. Much more likely a huge sense of relief and a doubling of effort knowing there is a new boss in town with new expectations.
  9. And Hillary finally gives permission for his wife to file for divorce. http://nypost.com/2017/05/19/huma-abedin-finally-files-for-divorce-from-anthony-weiner/
  10. I think Uber is for the most part but Lyft is still building up to that. Will be real interesting when one of them or Google or Musk starts the driverless ride-shares.
  11. I feel like that's a matter of supply and demand that I've seen in hundreds of other places, most dramatically on my income tax return. Why is produce more expensive at Whole Foods than at the bogeda a mile away? Yup. I tip on Lyft but not on Uber. Seamless is the whole ballgame; plus, often I have no cash on me. It's amazing how infrequently you need cash these days.
  12. Yup; weed out the a--hole passengers and the bad drivers and you end up with a nice service. I've never had an unpleasant experience with Uber/Lyft in over 100 trips.
  13. Not generally; almost without exception. There are apparently strict standards for the Uber black cars, they are always spotless and relatively new. Even the cheaper Uber-X are almost always an improvement over the standard filth of a taxi. And each driver has a user rating visible before you book. And if for some reason there's an issue you can make two clicks to lodge a complaint/get a refund. And now you can have separate profiles/payment set up for work and personal.
  14. RIP Steve Palermo. Good guy and good ump who got screwed by fate.
  15. Probably $2M on my side of that view.
  16. Oh...was the sarcasm the 'this kid' part or where you referring to someone other than the 26 year old man being discussed in this thread?
  17. Maybe a bunch of has been B-list actors can make a video asking Congress to 'just consider' an impeachment.
  18. Shoot straight for once, you Army pukes. RIP
  19. I kinda liked the one where Gabriel Byrne made her be an assassin. She was cute and badass.
  20. See, I feel a lot worse for her than for homesick bbmbers.
  21. Gee, thanks. And here I was ready to get excited for the season. 6-10 Yup, I agree with that. Not always perfect judgement but I prefer erring on the side we do. But I do think most of the complaints about thread merges/closing are from pure LAMPers.
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