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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Now that I live in the SF Bay Area: no one.
  2. What they can be is a team not held hostage by overpaid, under-performing 'stars'. Shape up or ship out is how winning teams do it.
  3. Not often you see a franchise turn on one play, but that's what Carroll has done with that unfathomable call in the Super Bowl. Had the Hawks been 2-time defending champs I think they'd have had a much better mindset the last couple years and who knows what they might have accomplished.
  4. You'll make a fine little helper, what's your name? Charles DeMar! Love me some Better Off Dead.
  5. Sunday, Sept 10 - Bills vs. Jets -- Win Everyone's hopes go up Sunday, Sept 17 - Bills @ Panthers -- Win Everyone's hopes go up a lot Sunday, Sept. 24 - Bills vs. Broncos -- Loss Crash Sunday, Oct 1 - Bills @ Falcons -- Loss Thud Sunday, Oct 8 - Bills @ Bengals -- Win McCoach is the Man! Sunday, Oct 22 - Bills vs. Buccaneers -- Loss McCoach Sucks! Sunday, Oct 29 - Bills vs. Raiders -- Loss WTF didn't we draft Carr??? Thursday, Nov 2 - Bills @ Jets -- Win Hear me out, we can still go 11-5 Sunday, Nov 12 - Bills vs. Saints -- Win Playoffs here we come!! Sunday, Nov 19 - Bills @ Chargers -- Loss OMFG, how did we give that one away?? Sunday, Nov 26 - Bills @ Chefs -- Loss We got totally screwed playing the AFCW this year! Sunday, Dec 3 - Bills vs. Patriots* -- Loss Well, that's that. 18 years and counting. Sunday, Dec 10 - Bills vs. Colts -- Win Who cares, too late Sunday, Dec 17 - Bills vs Fish -- Win Bad, hurting our draft position. Sunday, Dec 24 - Bills @ Patriots* -- Loss; Flip over to the Browns game at halftime. Sunday, Dec 31 - Bills @ Fish -- Loss Good, helping our draft position 7-9
  6. I've always heard that was Friday Night Lights. I can live with the last 45 seconds being a little Hollywoodish so we can go home happy for Steph, compared to 2 hours of one cliched character and line after another in Remember the Titans.
  7. Years later when he became a big star for some TV show, I'd always say "you mean the geek from 'Can't Buy Me Love'?" and get annoyed looks.
  8. Oh I agree VB had some humor and is a reasonable stop when flipping channels aimlessly on a Friday night. Especially for the hot teacher in the strip club scene. But the characters were all pretty silly. I hated Remember the Titans.
  9. Eh...not the worst movie ever but cliched and generally lame. The 'evil' coach totally overplayed by Jon Voight. You want a good HS football movie, you need to go with All the Right Moves. Even the little brother character (Seth Green) was funny: https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/23bc6ea4-38f3-4fe7-947c-043ce30a01a6
  10. Good call on Can't Buy Me Love. Heathers was great. Fast Times is the gold standard. Breakfast Club the high point for the brat pack. Both classics.
  11. His movies are the ones where a big black guy always dresses up like his grandmother, right? Man, that must be hilarious the 20th time.
  12. This reminds me of a death certificate I saw: Cause of death: cardiac arrest Duration of cause: 1 min Secondary cause: cancer Duration: 1 year
  13. I will never see any of his movies, but what's his deal with including his name in every title?
  14. I'm kinda surprised they didn't give her some lifetime achievement award last year. Maybe this year.
  15. Yup, which is helpful. My job is defined by responsibilities, not hours at a desk. Except for the rare occasion I go out to a restaurant, I have no interest in wasting an hour in the middle of the day eating lunch. Unlimited vacation policy definitely doesn't work for everyone. You need to be organized enough and confident enough to use it, because HR isn't going to come around and ask when you are taking vacation.
  16. So I guess this means no one will have control of the 75. Seems like an odd change and one that would not benefit a young guy coming from the back of the pack trying to make the roster. But it probably helps the teams who lack depth so good for the Bills.
  17. We have catered lunch 1-2 times a week, but otherwise the kitchen is completely stocked for breakfast, lunch, snacks, beer, booze, etc. Super convenient and much better than spending $10/day going to the deli like I used to do.
  18. This is pretty much what I was going to post regarding the 'camp' factor. Hard to say how much what was Moore vs the Directors. I loved the Connery era flicks because they portrayed the seriousness of the Cold War in the '60s and the villains were still so mysterious (From Russia With Love will never be topped), but several of the Moore movies were really good too. Agreed that FYEO was his high point. RIP
  19. Someone got an Oscar nomination for a movie called 'Bridesmaids'? You don't exactly have to be Laurence Olivier to get an Oscar nomination anymore, huh?
  20. As long as we keep electing weak-willed, bleeding hearts and vilifying would-be leaders who have the courage to speak and act against those who would commit such acts.
  21. A bomb blowing up at a concert is actually very strong evidence of Islamic terrorism.
  22. That sucks; hope we're not gearing up for another summer of this crap.
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