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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Life working in a SF start up. Speaking of SF, anything from Fort Point brewery. Had the KSA tonight with some delicious pizza.
  2. Are you crazy? I love those as a side with a burger, dipped in mustard.
  3. I'm loving some of these Hillary campaign retrospectives that show was a complete ****-show her campaign was from start to finish. !@#$ing !@#$.
  4. I'm going out on a limb and guessing it's a city in a country that isn't required to cut emissions by 30% according to the Paris Agreement. And by the way, what happened to all the hysteria over the Kyoto Protocol?? I thought the environment was already permanently destroyed by Bush when he informed people the Senate rejected that one 97-0.
  5. We've had a few different fruity beers in the office lately and I tried a watermelon one too - don't get the appeal at all. But still, it's free beer, at work. Fortunately we also have Lagunitas and other varieties.
  6. ESPN became great because they covered all sports, and broadcast stuff no one else had before (rugby, soccer, Big East basketball, rodeo, etc). Now ESPN only reports on the events they broadcast. Except it there's a big event (like Game 1 tonight), in which case they will beat it into the ground for hours on end. It was a great concept, but mostly due to technology and the proliferation of other options, has outlived its usefulness.
  7. NFL markets its league MLB markets its teams NBA markets its stars. So does soccer, tennis and golf. The most well known football player retired over a year ago. NHL is not on anyone's radar. I bet >90% of Americans couldn't name a single current NHL player.
  8. Yup; very different once you get outside Fairfield County or more than a few miles from the coast.
  9. I thought the DNC put out that video during the 2008 election.
  10. Well he's certainly no Barack Obama. 4 months in and Trump hasn't invented Cars for Clunkers or had a 'Beer summit'!
  11. The moment Kevin Dyson crossed mid-field without a Bill in sight.
  12. Yes, Comrade Hugo is taking the wealth back from the greedy capitalists and giving it to the people of Venezuela!! The playing field has been leveled!! Sean Penn is coming down to join the celebration!! Oh wait, what year is this again?
  13. Yup, and Phil is an all-time great. That gets overlooked sometimes in the age of Tiger.
  14. I didn't click the song link until after I watched the video but that was exactly the music in my head watching all those guys chasing him. I'm so happy he got away!
  15. I thought The National only lasted six months? It was a great paper, I still have my First Day Edition with Patrick Ewing on the cover. RIP to a great writer and sports personality.
  16. How exactly has a proposed budget changed anything that's currently in place?
  17. That's debatable. Ignoring the games he's missed, he has not been a great player even when on the field. The first two seasons were pretty similar, barely cracking the top 50 for receptions and top 25 in yards. Clearly he shows flashes of superb talent, but we've yet to get the kind of consistent production expected of a top WR. I'm hoping he can put it together this year, but at this stage in his career he's accomplished less than Lee Evans (who also had the QB limitations).
  18. But the shirt has had to go back to the tailor several times since he bought it so he's barely worn it.
  19. They wanted to price blue collar Joe's out of their new ballpark and so they have. Fug 'em. Do they still charge $2,000 per ticket for those great field seats you see behind the on deck circle that are empty every night?
  20. I would have gone back to the polls to see if I could vote for him again if I heard he assaulted a reporter.
  21. He had no clue just like the rest of them. His map was miles off. Gave Trump a 0.4% chance of winning >300 EC votes. He was more worried about being a celebrity and doing the left wing talk show circuit so he could smirk with the hosts about Trump not having much of a chance.
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