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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Presumably this is based on Ezekiel Elliott averaging 10 yards a carry in the 3 college football playoff games Jones started?
  2. Everything I know on this topic comes from watching Little House on the Prairie in the early 80s.
  3. Yup. Place the blame were it belongs for those guys: front office.
  4. He still may not trust her to fire someone properly (or he doesn't want to involve anyone else), but if there's a 'class pet' dynamic in play, be glad to be away from it. I had that at my last company but it was even worse as the new parent company replaced our founder/CEO with a 'class pet' CEO, who was also a woman. She thought she was such a player but was utterly clueless.
  5. Not really, but everyone assumes I do. First line on any job spec for me: 'Accounting or Finance major' The blue collar guys are working, not sitting at a desk (or in my case on a ferry/bus) posting on TBD.
  6. That's what you're supposed to say when terminating someone. That meeting is not the time to discuss and debate the merits of the decision, at least from the company standpoint. If the employee is blindsided by the decision, either it's a bad company, a clueless employee, or both. In your case, it sounds like a bad company but at least you saw it coming. A good company provides honest, direct and timely performance feedback. The only reason to document it is to provide a defense if the company is later sued for discrimination, which again is practically speaking only relevant for minorities and sometimes women.
  7. I can't believe a CEO came to a termination meeting. That's unusual, even in a small company. To me that says he doesn't trust the manager. As for justification, in the states that only applies if you are a woman or black. White males can be dumped any time for any reason.
  8. I loved the Ravens smug confidence. They were the only team in the AFC that was never afraid of the Pats* and were able to beat them and beat them up.
  9. Dude....file a sexual harassment claim against her. Use the smiley face post it notes as evidence she tried to sleep with you and you refused and got fired.
  10. The riot is scheduled for Chef Jim's neighborhood at 9pm local time Friday! Cleveland just gave a perfect demonstration of basketball's version of the prevent defense. Built a lead being aggressive and attacking the basket, and then with 3 minutes to go and up 7 they decided to start milking the clock on each possession. Durant is incredible.
  11. Yep. My pull over rate has been about the same. Last time I got a ticket I was 25. If we believe EII's stats that anyone driving in a half-way shady area gets routinely pulled over, cops must be pulling over drivers billions of times a year. Amazing how the people who make it a point of pride to be smart asses to cops always seem baffled when their interactions with cops don't go in their favor.
  12. That happened to me once in high school. Damn cops assumed we were in the black neighborhood looking to buy pot. In a related matter, we didn't end up smoking pot that night. But seriously, if you're still getting pulled over for 'what are you doing here' over the age of 25, there's a problem and it's probably not the cops. Or else you're driving this:
  13. I feel sorry for the entry level spy assigned to watch you guys.
  14. But it said 'centuries' and that sounds like a really long time, so it must be significant.
  15. Crossing guard at my kids' school probably comes with a six figure pension. And you can tell she was still hot like 10 years ago.
  16. Doesn't mean it was worth trading Lenny Dykstra for him.
  17. The problem is the left conflates the concept of improving environmental conditions via sensible policies and practices with the bullsh-- "climate change" narrative, and does so intentionally for political gain. Assuming we have the ability to control the direction or rate of the planet's natural warming/cooling cycles is folly, but that's the implied message with every absurdly alarmist story about how the world is ending because some chunk of ice broke off Antarctica or how there was some local tidal flooding on Miami Beach. If we make the air and water cleaner, the planet is still going to get warmer. Or cooler. Humans will adapt as such changes will take place over thousands of years as always. And I'm still waiting for anyone to propose a solution to the biggest environmental threat of all: overpopulation.
  18. I'd love to come but probably too long a hike from Marin, especially for a day of drinking.
  19. And if we are.....so what? The planet warms, the cools, the planet warms again. It's been happening for billions of years. What logical reason is there for the sudden mass hysteria? Are people really so arrogant now as to think we can create the ability to control the evolution of the planet to suit our specific wants? And spare me the bogus 'it's warming cooling changing faster than ever!!' nonsense.
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