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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Several big Warriors fans in the office, a few who sit near me were deep in the talk this afternoon. Apparently the team was spotted at a nearby nightclub in the SoMa neighborhood of SF for their post-game celebration. All were noted present except for.....Durant.
  2. To play off the other thread, there are also some feel good stories out there. One is veteran Eric Young, Jr., who I previously only recall as someone who did very little for the Mets several years ago. Now at 32, was back in the minors and dealing with the death of his newborn son in the offseason. Then the desperate Angels called him up to replace the injured Mike Trout and Young has responded by hitting .314 so far. And he just threw out all-world Aaron Judge at the plate.
  3. If it's an employee, you give them the T&E policy which says what they can spend. If it's an interview candidate, only an idiot would not be frugal with the travel costs. You can make it easier on employees who travel frequently with corporate cards or company-billed accounts for big ticket items like air and hotel. I'm sure it's still cost efficient for certain huge organizations, but the widespread practice of makings travel arrangements for dozens (or hundreds) of employees was left behind when the web came along. Plenty of shady companies around, but nothing shady in this generation about leaving responsibility for travel in the hands of the traveler.
  4. Uber is getting bad reviews because they've become the latest poster child for 'Corporations BAD!' and their off-the-rails CEO. Service is the same as it's always been. First couple times I used Lyft there were snafus and I concluded they were not quiet ready for prime time, but now they seem to be just as good, and maybe better in SF.
  5. More fun with United: http://nypost.com/2017/06/14/united-flight-almost-took-off-with-jet-fuel-gushing-out/?utm_campaign=iosapp&utm_source=pasteboard_app Meanwhile, Ryanair shows how an airline should operate: http://nypost.com/2017/06/14/straight-laced-mom-gave-man-in-flight-lap-dance-because-he-was-sad-pal/?utm_campaign=iosapp&utm_source=pasteboard_app
  6. Mackey Sasser forgot how to throw the ball back to the pitcher. Ruined his career, and he was a good catcher.
  7. Easier to track as a reimbursement to the employee. Don't need to find someone to play travel agent. It's not ideal for the individual, but hardly unusual. In a pinch they'll probably give you a travel advance or the manager will charge it on his own card but obviously no one wants to make those standard policy.
  8. A shoe in? What a maroon.
  9. I have lots. Of competitive. Fire. 😐
  10. Cooties! Great one! We had that; now I want to get it for my kids.
  11. Yup. Guy was a terrific player for years in Shea but that called 3d strike is all anyone remembers.
  12. Alex Gonzalez dropping a rally killing DP one batter later didn't help. Bateman should be #1 on this list.
  13. Kerry Wood too. That Cubs team was something for the brief time those guys were dominant.
  14. I'm not questioning his production, he's clearly the game's best and most complete player. But I watched more of this series than any since the mid-90s so was surprised that James attacked the rim less frequently than I assumed he did.
  15. Nice. Somehow I think those boys will be just fine. Fixed.
  16. Except for the fact that every one of them cries like Brady after ever. single. whistle. Gets annoying. But the basketball is brilliant. Of course, you put Durant on the Cavs instead and the series is just as lopsided the other way. And by the way, why doesn't LeBron go to the basket more? Way too many fall away jumpers and ill advised threes for such a great player. When is Curry up for his new deal? Is it this off season or next?
  17. Yup. In any relocation scenario the Mrs. plays a Yuuge role. Ignore that reality at your peril.
  18. I turn on the AC almost every day -- by opening my windows.
  19. I'm not over the Winter Classic, or the Miller Olympics. Puck the Fenguins.
  20. I've walked past open sidewalk doors hundreds of times in NYC, never once seen a 'safety perimeter'. But being legally blind and using a phone is certainly a possibility. Without glasses/contacts I see the phone fine but can't see distance for ****. Total opposite if I put them on.
  21. I didn't watch any of this but based solely on the lack of hysterical Facebook celebrating/gloating, I can safely assume that whatever happened was good for Trump.
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