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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. If that's true they are both idiots who got what they deserved. And they should both be charged.
  2. We had a long thread IIRC...maybe someone can dig it up. I was tired of caring about it by the end of the series.
  3. This mindset is the problem, and the reason so many aren't prepared. You can procrastinate forever waiting to be 'better off', but you don't need to be rich to have a will or to ask your sibling, parent, friend if they are willing to raise your kids if you suddenly depart the scene. As for money, you save what you can for retirement/college and start small on insurance. If you are relatively young and healthy, term insurance is fairly cheap. Prepare because you never know. Yesterday my mother's first cousin went for a walk, was hit by a car and died early this morning.
  4. Hopefully people like this guy will never learn. And hopefully someone beats him to death in the prison shower.
  5. Again, what's the purpose of waiting? You should figure that stuff out before the first kid is born.
  6. Why would you need to know when your number was up to prepare? Live life, make a will, kiss the wife and kids goodbye when you go to work.
  7. Plus, she's not bad looking. It became pretty clear last fall the Dems have her on the short list for much bigger things. And unlike Hillary there isn't a 25 year record of everyone hating her.
  8. Hoo-boy. We can only hope for the leaked nudes.
  9. They're celebrating the fact idiots like you didn't learn a thing in November and instead bought into the whole 'everyone in the country thinks like CNN and will vote for any Democrat anywhere as a protest against Trump' narrative. And that you thought Hollywood could buy you a House seat in GA. But if you disagree, please feel free to revisit your 'referendum on Trump' hypothesis.
  10. On the surface of course torturing dogs and whipping kids is worse than anything Kap did, but that's not how a large segment of the public views it. Some stray dogs died? Meh, they're just dogs. Someone disciplined their kid? Meh, I got a lot worse when I was a kid. But sh-- all over my flag and continually disrespect my country and by extension our military and cops, all while you're earning millions to play a game? That's going to boil a lot of pots.
  11. Hilarious coming home to this news and the long faces on CNN. Where's gatortard to update us about this "referendum on the Trump presidency"?
  12. I think you pretty much summed up the topic right here. That said, I still love The Wedding Singer.
  13. I'm sure the 'activists' won't agree. There are a few hard core SJWs on this board when it comes to the Redskins.
  14. Right. Only legal and clear election results constitute the earth spinning off its axis.
  15. I have my Dad's Coleman cooler. Gotta be at least 30 years old.
  16. I keep hearing this, but the smug level here is still 20 years behind Fairfield County. I love Whole Foods.
  17. I'm sorry, people want to pretend history didn't happen because someone hired some strippers?
  18. I'll take my traveler's checks to a competing resort.
  19. Sure wasn't. The alarm was sounded here well over a year ago, went the left/media was still in "Trump will implode any day now" mode. But I'm still so happy Hillary lost.
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