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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. And Kerry in 2004 And Gore in 2000 Hell, I had a liberal tell me on Election Day 1984 that Mondale would win between six and twelve states.
  2. Every one of those big, awful, red, science-hating states we've been screaming about for weeks is now below NY on the rt chart. Things that make you go hmmmm...... https://rt.live/
  3. It's pretty well established that Kodak invented digital before anyone else and mothballed it because they made their real money selling and processing film.
  4. This is an oldie but I missed it previously....funny.
  5. Go Texas.....don't want to risk getting COVID....don't go to the game.
  6. Just curious....do you think the media campaign designed to flip Florida will be able to keep the scare tactics going for another 3+ months?
  7. Cases spiking in Japan, Hong Kong and Australia....places that until now were lauded for keeping a lid on the virus. Might be a paywall here, but this story is all over the web in various places. https://www.wsj.com/articles/coronavirus-is-back-with-a-vengeance-in-places-where-it-had-all-but-vanished-11595842202
  8. We had it on this morning....seemed like a lot of hype over who got to finish in fourth place!
  9. The Fauci angle seems pointless, but the high likelihood the virus was created in and escaped from a Chinese lab has been woefully ignored. But doing so is helping the NBA's TV ratings in China so that's something.
  10. This is in keeping with my theory on all this.....every population area needs to have their surge. Every population group has those who are most easily infected, most likely to spread it around, and most likely to die. NY/New England were first and now we're seeing it crest in the south/SW. Sure, wearing masks helps, but that can't keep the virus from getting into dense population centers. The only way that was not ever going to happen was if we shut down all air travel, all interstate trucking, all Amazon deliveries, etc. Politicians pretending that Florida didn't need to ever have a COVID outbreak is pretty laughable. I live in the Karen capital of the US....people actually get called out on local social media for not wearing masks. Yet the case numbers have been rising the past month. How? All those Marin Trump supporters not wearing masks to the MAGA rallies? lol Here's the Rt chart....several big southern states moving in the right direction. https://rt.live/
  11. Yes....sadly. You'd probably be banned for offending someone.
  12. I disagree that people who actually paid for the the stimulus don't have a reasonable argument for participating in receiving it. The article isolates income level as the only determinate of being 'rich' or 'wealthy' (terms liberally thrown around in that article), as you seem to be continuing to do while ignoring how misguided that is to use as a single test of financial condition.....as several people have attempted to point out here.
  13. You're required to tell that story here once every 20 years you know....
  14. Oh well, I'm the type of guy who will never settle down Where pretty girls are, well you know that I'm around I kiss 'em and I love 'em cause to me they're all the same I hug 'em and I squeeze 'em they don't even know my name They call me the wanderer Yeah, the wanderer I roam around, around, around
  15. Exactly. That article is even worse than some of the takes in this thread. But good luck explaining that to the crowd that eats up this nonsense propaganda and thinks '$200k/year = champagne filled swimming pool and servants'. The only way anyone can possibly live out here is if they are a) well over $100k, or b) bought a house before RE went crazy 15-20 years ago.
  16. 2 firsts, a third and a player in return? Good grief. I like Adams but he's not Ronnie Lott. That is a heist by the Jets.
  17. Yes, but he played well and in key spots earlier in the season. Might not be in the playoffs in the first place without him running out the clock on a couple of those wins early in the season. The coaching staff deserves the blame for his absurd overuse in the playoff game.
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