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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I can't wait, such a great program for so many years. All good things....
  2. As much as I hate the Patriots, I hate legal system gold diggers a hundred times worse. !@#$ these scumbags.
  3. Yes, but only after we skipped dinner and went out for drinks.
  4. If you hate flying, this is an ideal way to shorten the flight.
  5. Norm was the greatest. All those Hillary scandal jokes....amazing how 25 years later people wanted to pretend she wasn't the single least trustworthy person in America throughout the 90s.....and beyond.
  6. Gee, what a novel concept. Too bad the political establishment in the US has absolutely no interest in having a financially literate voting public. That's why I make my daughter pay me back for the supplies when she runs a lemonade stand. What I can never figure out is why these idiots are taking out loans all over town when they are earning millions per year. Good grief, if you can't live within a seven figure paycheck, you have serious problems.
  7. The flip, the crash and the rollover. Hilarious trifecta, thanks for posting!
  8. I don't think there's any doubt the Democratic Party is in the process of taking a hard left and leaving the Clinton-era agenda behind. Real progressives were hugely disappointed in Obama and think Hillary is dog sh-- (like everyone else). I think they'll go full lefty nut-job in 2020.
  9. I was just going off the clip....wasn't impressed.
  10. Not in many years, but I had to take my daughter for her first confession the week before her First Communion. She didn't think it was a big deal.
  11. Last time I ever had any contact with her was 20 minutes before the divorce hearing. I was happy to be free and didn't waste much time looking backwards.
  12. Meh....cartoonish violence, flipping over desks, etc., none of which serves any purpose. Typical mindless, modern crap. I'll take Dog Day Afternoon, A Fish Called Wanda or Butch Cassidy for bank robberies.
  13. Me; went upstairs to get my stuff to go to my gf's house; when I came down they had scored once and were about to score again. Needless to say I stayed put.
  14. Gator with a great call on The Best of Times. Very funny, underrated movie.
  15. Same here, went to the Open every year back in those days. In fact, we had tix to the evening session that day, with club access, etc. We decided to head down a few hours early just to be there and eat/drink in the VIP tent, so ended up watching that match on site with hundreds of people. The whole place was buzzing all night.
  16. That was one one of the funniest scenes ever. Diner is a great flick.
  17. You're the one arguing for guaranteed contracts....which would have paid him the full $100MM for essentially refusing to do the job he was hired for. And your basis for this is that Haynesworth was "due a payday" (apparently from the Redskins for what he did with the Titans....because the Titans 'only' paid him $20MM and the Redskins another $30MM to so) is unfathomably moronic. And yeah....the current system DID work out better for everyone because the Redskins used the money they saved when they dumped him to pay other players, including the one who took his place on the roster.
  18. True life advice from the great Alan Arkin (NSFW - lanaguage)
  19. I continue to be flabbergasted by people who think the Redskins being forced to pay Albert Haynesworth $100MM for doing nothing would be a rectification of anything. The NFL is the best league at paying the guys who deserve to be paid specifically because they enacted the rookie pay scale and never get screwed with the guaranteed contracts nonsense. In reference to Kirby's point, roughly 50% of the revenue going to the players seems about right. But when you allocate that money to the guys on the field instead of clowns like Haynesworths and Ryan Leaf, it makes for a far more equitable system across the whole population of players.
  20. Yikes. I decided a long time ago it wasn't worth getting into disputes on the road over a few feet of concrete. Too many idiots out there with their ego on the line every moment of the day.
  21. Heaven Can Wait North Dallas Forty Longest Yard
  22. Certainly better value than the $20M/year they are paying David Wright to spend the last five years of his career on the DL.
  23. There are always plenty of 'I don't want to hear excuses' fans when it comes to injuries.
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