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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I thought the Bills traded back for EJ. How sad is it the Bills make an appearance not just on the two worst lists but also the best. Nothing like picking the 4th QB in a 3 HOF QB draft!
  2. This is the point where Simon used to come in and wipe out 3 pages of posts that don't relate to the topic.
  3. Not a tough call at all. Look at what % of the Bills first round picks turn into top 15 players at any position. And then calculate how much more important QB is than any other position. A sure-fire, step right in top-15 QB? The odds of any one (or even two) picks ending up being worth more than that is essentially zero. It isn't very difficult to find the common denominator over the past 17 years -- no friggin QB. As usual, we're worried about the deck chair shuffling on the Titanic instead of doing whatever is required to find a QB.
  4. I didn't realize zombies had their own genre. Apparently it's a enough of one to warrant two threads!
  5. Hot ones yes, but I find the % of Asian women I consider hot to be very small. Like 5%....and considering virtually none of them are DQ'ed for being fat, that's a low #.
  6. It's hilarious...other than my uncle about 20 years ago, I can't remember anyone, ever mentioning Rush Limbaugh to me who wasn't a leftard on a snowflake rant. And besides, on the rare occasion I'm in the car alone, for long enough to listen to anything, and don't feel like music, I prefer the rantings of Mark Levin.
  7. Are you kidding? I'd deliver it to Snyder on a gold platter.
  8. Eddie Scozzare on the other side of the glass... How many established guys would do a 17 minute show without pitching a fit? And he did it (maybe still does) all the time. I watched the show the other night and man, an hour of Mike & The Dog talking NY sports memories made me more homesick than any time since I moved to CA.
  9. I love Jeff Ross, friggin hilarious. Same with Rock; funny in anything he does.
  10. Liberals taking themselves way to seriously as usual. And of course the same morons who fear 'revealing personal information' are the ones posting anti-Trump rants day and night on Facebook.
  11. Ellen wasn't bad back in her stand-up days. I have a ton of respect for her.
  12. Rico and Scott have been bonding for years over their hatred of Manning. It's pretty comical.
  13. Then: Rice Krispies Now: Kashi Organic Promise p.s. guess which one contains more sugar?
  14. That's the point. Meteorologists have enough knowledge to predicate the track of a storm that has a lifespan of a week. But recent 'warming trends' don't account for .0001% of the knowledge required to predict climate trends of thousands or tens of thousands of years...aka... "climate change". And yes, it is all out of our control anyway so all this "stop climate change" nonsense is the absolute pinnacle of the intersection between ignorance and hubris.
  15. I see how silly your logic is, equating the odds of finding your QB in the 4th round vs in the top 3 picks of the draft. Of course the Bills can draft QBs in the 4th round every year and hope to strike gold but that might take a while. Obviously Cousins is one of the rare guys who has proven he should have been drafted much earlier so if he becomes a FA he will be regarded as a very highly prized asset, just like a top 3 pick.
  16. Unlike linemen, I don't think running backs have changed that much. Jim Brown or OJ would be great in any era.
  17. Schmooooozing under the covers until dawn.... My mother loved listening to Somers before/after Mets games. It was when Mad Dog was there to temper him but I've not been a huge fan of Francessa on his own.
  18. But here's the thing. The 'highest contract' is only the highest until the next guy is up for a new deal, and so on. So within 2-3 years he's probably the 10th highest paid QB. I'd sure as hell pay that to have Cousins on the roster right now. The Bills are going to do the usual 8-8 and may not have the ammo to get into the top 2 or 3 picks to get a QB in the next draft so Cousins is one of the few other options.
  19. There are few things in this world better than South Park at its best.
  20. I really liked Lafayette -- tagged that as our spot until wifey made a trip out here and decided it would be Marin and not the East Bay for us!
  21. Would that be Tyler Perry's Tyler Perry? Foxworthy was funny for about 15 minutes when he first came up with the 'Redneck' act, but after 20 years it's pretty tired. Fixed. Never understood the appeal, never will. He is the classic SNL 'can be slightly amusing in tiny doses but after three minutes you're reaching the the remote' way. Really? I thought that sh-- was hilarious. I recall his standup being good way back when. Never cared for the 'Cosby Show' act. I had never seen him do anything until about a week ago when I came across him on HBO or somewhere. I watched for 5 minutes -- absolutely terrible.
  22. Yes, worldwide averages over a sample size of what, 100 years out of 4.5 billion years of history? So probably about the same proportion as his backyard compared to the whole planet.
  23. Yeah, I think Francesca has devolved from opinionated blow hard in earlier years to miserable prick as he's gotten old; and as Russo aged realized he has greener pastures that didn't require putting up with so much crap. Sidebar: Russo lives in New Canaan, CT, where I lived for the last 10 years before moving west. My wife was going to a gym in town for a while and one day a guy brings in coffee for the staff. It was Russo. Of course she has no idea and says to one of the trainers, "I didn't know the coffee shop delivered!"
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