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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. It's incredible what some will extrapolate from a short college highlight reel.
  2. Single women in their late 40s are long past the stage of needing a guy who makes a lot of money. She has her own money so your bank account is far down on her list of priorities, so don't sweat who earns more or has a fancier job title. Your job on a first date is to get to know the person enough to judge if you want a second date. That's it. Don't get wrapped up in 'could this be long term' or 'will I get laid'
  3. So every guy on the roster needs to be the 'future'? No room for a competent vet in a backup role? All this gnashing of teeth is really over Cardale Jones, right? You guys would really rather see him in a game over Yates? The Bills had two young, mid-round QB projects and picked the better one. Obviously they can't have no veteran and two guys who are essentially rookies.
  4. Imagine how hard his life would be if he had to go out and get a real job.
  5. Can't stand tattoos on women. Automatic -2 (or worse) on any woman. I have frat letters on my ankle. Meaningless now, but it was a fun night in Newport.
  6. Same here; would never order it sitting down for dinner, but at a good Italian deli, a freshly baked cutlet with sauce/cheese on a toasted roll is the ultimate lunch.
  7. Absolutely, but it's a good movie. Bull Durham however, was not a chick flick. I never understood the Cosner hate. He's made some excellent movies.
  8. Said it before and I'll say it again. She is the most vile, corrupt, disgusting, piece of sh-- to ever wash down the pike. Worse than Nixon, Johnson, any of them. Watching her lose was better than watching Brady lose ten Super Bowls.
  9. When someone socks me in the eye, and they don't even tell me why.....
  10. Same here....my mother was Music Director at our church for 30+ years. I dig classical music and especially church classical music. Or Charlie Brown. Nothing says Christmas like the Charlie Brown Christmas CD. But Easter is the best; can't listen to this without chills: One of my daughters is into classical too. When it's just the two of us she'll say "Daddy, let's play the music without any words!"
  11. I didn't go to the first half but climbed the fence to see the 2d.
  12. Most of them didn't really care, they just wanted to go home. And at least a couple wanted payback for Rodney King (and decades of other outrages).
  13. That's my wife's old neighborhood when we first got together. $2800? Who knew that area was still affordable!
  14. Cool story. Not sure why some are trying to turn it into something it's not.
  15. And preferably short skirts on the hot Asian women.
  16. West of the Hudson, east of the Oakland Hills. Thanks for the beer GG.
  17. Would have been better if she dissolved the office entirely, but I guess we'll have to settle for minor improvements.
  18. 😄 Holy crap, people do not like appreciate the canine neglect here on the big board!
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