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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Gas fired engines are always a hassle but if you live in the east where you have days of prep time before a storm it makes things a lot easier.
  2. You've surmised that 25% of NFL players are high during games based on Randy Moss supposedly being high in high school and college?
  3. In that thread you state we should cut Yates and keep Jones and Peterman, so it is about Jones. You want them to have two QBs who have never taken a meaningful snap in the NFL and no veteran backup. The coaches don't agree with you. And I'm guessing they've looked into this a lot deeper than you have.
  4. I lived in the Northeast...that's oil country. Out here in CA you could connect to the gas line but that's the first thing to get shut off in an earthquake so I'm not sure what you do. I suppose if it's a big enough quake to kill electric/gas/water for any length of time we might need to abandon our hillside house, move into the cinderblock garage and filtering water out the stream!
  5. Are you still waiting for Tee Martin and Eric Crouch to get a chance?
  6. That seems pretty unlikely. Even if they disliked him that much, they could get a low round pick for him in a fire sale.
  7. Sure they can; like most thing it all depends on what you want to pay for. I have a number of friends back in CT who have whole house, auto start generators (for 4000+ sf houses) with a huge buried propane tank to keep the thing humming for weeks. Of course, price tag for that set up can approach $20,000. After Hurricane Irene I opted for the 5500-watt, gas fired Home Depot generator for $500. Hired an electrician to install a separate panel and do the wiring to the main box and set me up with the right power cord and I was good for 4 separate multi-day outages afterwards; one lasting six days. I ran my well, septic, heat, and general house lights/power, oven. Had to be a little careful about not running too much at once but in general had pretty much everything working except laundry.
  8. At least with the teacher threads there's a 50/50 shot at seeing something decent. That goes down to about 2% for chicks who get arrested for prostitution.
  9. Sure it's nice to have a nearly flawless team like NE, but frequently teams go on unexpected runs as a result of good health, a few guys having great years, role players stepping up, and better than expected chemistry. Did anyone foresee the Falcons as near SB champs a year ago? You see this happen in baseball all the time. I don't expect it from the Bills because I still think Taylor is barely average and the secondary is bad, but what if Taylor take a big step forward, the front 7 stays healthy and Darby turns into an All Pro? Teams don't need to have every hole perfectly filled to have a great season and they shouldn't have that mindset.
  10. At this point, I'd rather spend the money for a starting #2 WR like Boldin than save an extra million or two for the rainy day fund.
  11. Yup. I was stunned at how easy it was when I got divorced in my 30s. Dating now at 50 would be like shooting fish in a barrel.
  12. We should have a poll for the date the last Cardale Jones holdout on this board finally gives up the ship. Presumably all the Vince Young fans have finally called it a day.
  13. Huh. You were a big fan when Obama did this exact same thing. And Hillary Clinton wasn't running foreign policy based on her personal interests? You're hilarious.
  14. WTF is Magic the Gathering? Is that like Pokemon for guys who have never been laid?
  15. Yup. If you want to blame someone, blame Paris Hilton. It was her spotlight that found Kim K.
  16. If your measure of 'better' is 'which one makes fewer embarrassing social media posts', than yes, she was. But that doesn't change the fact she is every bit as narcissistic and delusional about her own self worth as Trump. And she is far -- like by a factor of ten - more corrupt.
  17. I wonder how much Sammy would want if he was a huge star with the Giants.
  18. Well the timing is suspicious re: Jones, but that's neither here nor there. But what's with the weird thread title? Who is "protecting" Yates? Who is he being protected from (if not Jones)? Doesn't make much sense. As for the blind resumes, I think you place waaaay too much much value on stats for a group of players who by their nature have very limited stats, which obviously makes them much less reliable. Did you know that your favorite unemployed QB - Collin Krapernick - also sports a 6.8 ypa average over the last 3 seasons (and getting steadily worse through his career)? Probably not. So yes, there IS one valid reason Yates 'deserves a spot' even if you refuse to acknowledge it: You need a backup QB who has actually played in the NFL before. And you have not demonstrated that Yates is any better or worse than any of the other scrubs available for that job.
  19. And if you go back to her place and things go really well and you don't want it to be over too quickly......think of Tyrod Taylor.
  20. Some of these guys should add pickle juice.
  21. The cop who had to defend his life against the violent felon who was attempting to take his gun? Wow, how brave of you!
  22. Ok, so find a better vet, though none of the guys you mentioned is a clearly better option. Backups are flawed, comes with the territory. Comparing highly specific stats among part time players isn't very helpful. Competent means you know he can operate an NFL offense. Bills have two guys who can do that. That leaves room for one unknown. Is it just coincidence all this boils over the day Jones is traded?
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