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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. You have it backwards; strong, consistent culture improves the ability to find talent. When you don't have it you end up with the dart throwing strategy the Bills have employed for the last 20 years. If you think the difference between the Bills and Steelers all boils down to who drafted BR in 2004 you have zero understanding of how organizations work.
  2. I'll ask some of my misguided Marin county hot-tubber neighbors.
  3. Culture is critical to success for any organization: family, work, sports, etc. Obviously it's not the only requirement for success, but the odds of success without it are very low. I'd bet my children Brady has a handshake deal with Kraft for significant post-retirement income as part of his deal.
  4. While my company appreciates our investment by Khosla, this is obviously a good ruling.
  5. I've been on vacation and selling a company so have only caught a few snippets of Facebook hysteria, so can someone recap all this for me? What I've gathered so far is there was a skinhead rally and everyone is pretending 1) that has never happened before and 2) Trump organized it.
  6. I would have been packing my bags.
  7. So your argument is his stats are not that great because he can't stay healthy? Ok. And actually, he ranked 33d in starts during that stretch, so that would be the baseline for looking at his various stats. That he performed only marginally better than that figure in most major categories demonstrates that he is far from a 'top 10' receiver.
  8. That seems like a really stupid thing to have children doing.
  9. Really? Over the period 2014-2016, Watkins ranks: Receptions: 38th Yards: 28th TDs: 23rd YPG: 24th Catch %: 83rd YPT: 19th YPC: 5th So he's a nice player, but kinda hard to see how that coalesces into a top 10 WRs. Unless of course you cherry pick one stat and fail to mention any of the others.....like you're doing repeatedly.
  10. Just having a little fun with you and the rest of the crowd who keep repeating the 'talent' line. Problem is, at some point you have to stop making excuses and reconcile the talent with the production. And that's where Watkins falls short.
  11. Yup. It's all just rearranging deck chairs until you find a QB. The Bills finally understand that nothing and nobody else matters.
  12. I'm not really happy he's gone, but: a) I hated the decision to waste an extra first round draft pick to get him, b) he's Glass Joe c) he'll want a contract based on his college production rather than his pro production, and, d) they got a good player and a high pick for him, so not upset about the trade either.
  13. Bo was an All Star in baseball. As a fielder, he was probably better than anyone since. As a hitter he was still learning but already a feared power hitter. What other sports did Phelps or Lebron dominate?
  14. Yeah, Brown was ridiculous. So was Bo. The football skills were obvious but look what the guy could do on a baseball field; in a sport where guys work for years to hone their skills, he was a natural. He was only going to get better in baseball.
  15. Generally added up to $10-$12/hour for us in CT, so total bill all depended on how much we used it. Pre-school averaged out the same once you factored in all the add-ons. This was where having twins was really a major bite in the ass. Of course, now they are out of that they have after school 'enrichment' programs, hobbies, sports, etc. so the bills just keep on coming. The solution, as I see it, is for me to work harder.
  16. Someday the mountain might get em, but the law never will .
  17. No question, love the Raos. Unless you married an Italian girl, that's the tops.
  18. Hard to beat flying right over Manhattan at night. Although the coolest thing I ever flew over was the Verrazano-Narrows bridge 5 minutes before the start of the NYC marathon, at about 1200 feet in a Cessna.
  19. What story? That no one wants a flash in the pan player who has made it clear his top priorities lay outside of football? The the OP, they'll stop when people stop paying attention, just like Favre's never ending retirement story, or CNNs current Russia obsession. There's no 'news' to any of it, that's not the goal of the network. They're just saying anything to get people to watch.
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