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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Wow, Kearse must be psyched! Glad we won't have to deal with Richarson twice.
  2. Zeke in the 3d round, are people out of their minds? Do they realize fantasy playoffs don't happen the first six weeks?
  3. Good grief, it's really time this stopped being an 'issue' for all sides.
  4. Always preferred the flats to the drums myself. This thread needs a poll.
  5. Curb is brilliant; not sure there's ever been a funnier show. I caught a few episodes on the plane last week including the classic Palestinian Chicken episode. But for current stuff, I'll throw in one more pitch for You're The Worst, the funniest show I've seen since Curb. Find it on Hulu and binge before Season 4 starts next week.
  6. I sure hope this is a special case for Burfict because otherwise a suspension for that hit is a joke.
  7. You know you could have had some fun with that one instead....
  8. Yes indeed, especially the version with the long instrumental lead in. '70s cheese and hedonism at its PG-13 best!!
  9. All worthy candidates. Foul Play was hilarious. Haven't seen that one in probably 20 years.
  10. And not much time at that.....we're up to the 'racist' FDR: http://nypost.com/2017/08/26/petition-seeks-to-rename-roosevelt-island-calls-fdr-racist/
  11. Naah, you'd have to go to one of the SJW threads on the main board for that.
  12. Acknowledging he's a bad QB and a distraction makes one a racist? 🤔
  13. It would be on my list, but I can understand why it wasn't included. The South Park movie was good, but not a classic. I think you are right about why it's included.
  14. Who do you think you are, Merton Hanks??
  15. Tootsie should be top ten. Including nonsense like Mean Girls and Bridesmaids? That's a joke. And as always, Charlie Chaplin is very over rated.
  16. That's a very reasonable opinion. Too bad the media idiots couldn't let it go at that and needed to actively turn it into a nasty political fight. Might have cost the guy his career.
  17. And? You seem to have a problem with that. Here on planet Earth things are measured by cost and benefit. Skills, $, attitude and distraction are all factors in measuring who is worth a job in the NFL. Ask Jeff George and Terrell Owens what happens when your skills no longer overshadow the distraction you cause. I don't recall either of them beating their wives. Besides, Keapernick has a job. He's an activist now, remember? Shady is spot on.
  18. Tiger may be, but Lindsay Vonn naked is worth a look.
  19. The hysteria bubble stems from the crushing ego blow the election delivered to the supremely arrogant left who had already wheeled the champagne into the locker room to loudly celebrate Trump's humiliation.
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