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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. If only the great Cardale Jones was still there!
  2. They should dump football and beg the Big East to take them back for hoops. UConn too.
  3. Ridiculous. One game will translate into what, 3 slots in draft order? Besides, losing Berry for the year probably costs at least one game. Everyone knew KC was a playoff team when they made the trade.
  4. It sure is when your fantasy opponent started him!
  5. Wow, McCourty is fast, I thought that was a TD.
  6. He wasn't good enough for the know-it-all Bills fans around here.
  7. Lamest fans in sports. A one point game in the fourth quarter of the opener and they are all crying in their beer. Just incredible.
  8. That's awesome. Love how they made sure by putting six holes in him. Too bad the other one got away, but cops will track him down.
  9. My freshman year roommate lives there, lots of people trying to track him down on social media. ps. Not the best time to open your hatchback.
  10. That's how some people are. Just make sure you don't marry one of them!
  11. Bobby Rainey - injuries forced me to start him in fantasy one time. He went 80 yards for a TD on the first play, against the Bills naturally.
  12. Ah yes...nothing says Hope like the annual early December playoff race graphic with the usual 'In the Hunt' suspects: Chiefs: 8-4 Ravens: 7-5 Dolphins 7-5 Titans: 6-6 Bills: 6-6
  13. I'm glad to see the Bills finally getting serious about shedding the roster of all these Williams. Yeah, but we might miss out on the excitement of going 9-7 and not mathematically eliminated from the playoff race until week 16.
  14. I had an A4 for several years in the 00s; loved it but yeah, service on high end cars is expensive. Fortunately I married and had kids so I got to trade it in for a minivan.
  15. Great story. Best comment: Yup... cause Greg Schiano would've sent in a blitz package...
  16. No sh-- Sherlock. But one of the reasons we've had two decades of incompetent talent evaluation is the GM and HC have more often than not had different agendas and poor communication. It doesn't matter what type of organization you are trying to lead, if your leaders aren't on the same page it's virtually impossible to succeed. So I'm willing to give these guys a chance to execute a plan they appear to have thought through, since that's an approach we've yet to see this century.
  17. I'll take two guys who want to work together all day over a GM and HC who don't agree on anything and are trying to get the other one fired.
  18. I think it's more people taking pleasure in how wrong the posters were who insisted Spiller was a top 5 RB, just needed to be 'in space', was only held back by Bills coaching, etc. I don't wish the guy ill, but he was yet another mind-numbingly stupid draft pick and that is frustrating as a fan.
  19. 1) Insufferable cast runs around boat overplaying over-stereotyped characters for 2 hours 2) "Iceberg, right ahead!" 3) Insufferable cast runs around boat overplaying over-stereotyped characters for another 2 hours 4) Boat sinks 5) Selfish old lady throws asset worth millions of dollars into the sea rather than selling it and giving the money to charity. The End.
  20. Too bad about Cruz's career ending so abruptly, he was a fun player to watch.
  21. As if the current ending (meaning pretty much everything after they hit the iceberg) wasn't already chessy, Disney bullsh-- enough.
  22. I'm in a keeper league with the #3 pick and definitely going RB. Options will be someone like J Howard/D Murray/J Ajayi OR one of the rookies. What do you guys like about the long term potential for Cook, McCaffrey and Fournette?
  23. You mean like how people who had watched football for decades suddenly realized five years ago how offended they were by the Washington Redskins?
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