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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I foresee a Chiefs-Rams Super Bowl. Pat Mahomes comes off the bench and throws for 280 yards and two TDs, Reggie Ragland sets records with 23 tackles and 4 sacks, but Sammy Watkins wins MVP after a 92 yard catch and run TD in overtime, sprung on a perfect block by Robert Woods.
  2. Imperative? No. But let's not pretend it doesn't improve the odds considerably. The Bills have whiffed badly on it's last four QB picks over a dozen years ranging from mid round 1 to round 4, showing it's a lot harder to pick a Dak Prescott or Drew Brees out of the crowd than fans with the benefit of hindsight like to think. How many of the people criticizing the high draft pick strategy were the same dopes screaming their heads off for Tim Tebow or Johnny Manziel because 'all they do is win?'
  3. Obviously they need to fill out a roster and no one is trading picks for those guys.
  4. No embezzler should have a bond lower than the amount they stole. Scumbag
  5. I was saving that for the favorite Bruce thread.
  6. Yup, it's a waste until they fix QB. This is a rebuild. They got rid of players they don't see on the field in '18 or beyond.
  7. Of course, the same people insist income is "distributed", as if it were jelly beans being handed out by a child, rather than earned by a free exchange of work for money. As for the rest of 'white guilt' crowd, feel free to knock yourself out with your self-flagellation but spare the rest of us the tears when we don't jump on the fad.
  8. Guess it was a little early to write off Goff last year, huh? What a great game; fun to see ex-Bills doing things they had no chance of doing in Buffalo.
  9. Exactly. Some people need to look for any reason to justify the behavior of sub-humans. This is officially the first time ever I'm rooting for Kraft.
  10. Our hazing in college was pretty tame. Lots of yelling but little physical stuff aside from push-ups, etc.
  11. Sounds like an ordinary day on Market St in San Francisco!
  12. It would be a very Dolphinie move for sure. But I can't hate a guy who trolls Brady that well.
  13. Tasker more deserving than TO? I guess he's more deserving than Randy Moss too.
  14. Good grief, you sound dumber with each passing post. Please stop.
  15. Yup, for sure with the younger generation. Which gets to the other point - Americans in general don't like losers, unless you have really good marketing and/or a very big local fan base (eg., Cubs). And it's not just the playoff drought, it's been the Bills being near the top of the league in general organizational incompetence. Bad GMs, bad coaches, indefensible draft picks, over and over again.
  16. Vegas has never struck me as a city with any roots or sense of civic pride which I think is key to long term support. Almost everyone has moved there from somewhere else and brings their rooting interest with them. Of course, if you have a SB caliber team you can put them in South Dakota and be fine, and the curiosity factor will drive attendance in the first couple years, but I think it'll be hard to build long term success in Vegas.
  17. +1 Patriots fans are exhibit A Different kind of hate though. No one still hates the Bills because they dominated the AFC playoffs in the late 90s, they hate them because of the SB loses. Some teams who lose create sympathy (aka 'lovable' losers), but the SB loses didn't endear people to the Bills, they created resentment back in an era when the Super Bowl was usually a crappy game (as were the last 3 the Bills played in). I think that's what still lingers in the public's mind.
  18. Just wait till Climate ChangeTM hits them.
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