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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I'm sure it's just that everyone in Africa is wearing masks.
  2. While I agree with the bold part, I'd chalk up the 9% stat to the 'average American' being even more ignorant about math and logic than they are about COVID-19.
  3. I didn't recognize him in white face. Kathleen Turner?
  4. Ah yes, another season of the Real Housewives of the NBA......no one care what the score of the game was, only which guy stood or knelt. What a pathetic commentary on what people care about these days.
  5. But morons like deBlahblah will still respond by jacking up taxes on the ones who stay, 'cause you know....that strategy works every time. We talk about the larger issue all the time at our leadership team meetings. Even when we get a vaccine, the office environment is not going to be the same. People have realized you don't need to invest all that time and money to commute to the office 5 days a week just to sit together. We've always had a small % of remote workers but expect that to be much higher in the future. We've already had 10 people (out of 400) move away and keep their jobs. We're trying like hell to sublet one of the floors in our SF office. Supply/demand obviously not in our favor right now but I'll take what I can get for it as residential and commercial rents in the cities will plummet.
  6. I've started playing pokerstars again after many years. It's not for real money anymore but whatever. I previously taught my kids how to play cards so now when they see me online they want to watch and strategize the hands, so that's been fun.
  7. Excellent. The last thing the NFL needs is that scumbag on the field.
  8. Oh....that's all you want out of Marxism, labor unions? Nothing else? That's funny, we have labor unions right now without the Marxism. The corruption created between them and certain politicians are busy bankrupting state governments across the country.
  9. Some of you just don't understand....they are promoting GOOD Marxism!!
  10. Yeah, the one time we went we had the magic genie pass or whatever that let us skip every line. Otherwise don't think we'd have lasted very long standing in those lines.
  11. ....and you're fighting people at your same level.
  12. Settle down Beavis....we're just having a little fun over here on the college football board!
  13. How'd you make that idiotic leap? Are you so desperate for an argument that you can't put any more thought into your strawmen then that?? You're a joke.
  14. Aaaaaaaaaaand the global average is something we should aspire to?? Gee, I guess it's just luck that we ended up as the #1 superpower for the last hundred years.
  15. Surprised they didn't include "Vote Democratic!" on the list. Oh wait....never mind. It says "do not argue or fight with the criminal".
  16. ^ Gee, funny how none of this makes it onto the network evening news. But there's always some sob story about someone who died from the virus.
  17. ^^^ but, but......there is ZERO evidence that rioting mobs have spread the virus because uh, lots of them wear masks, or something. The virus is ONLY being spread by redneck, Trump lovers going to Home Depot and the Olive Garden, you science denier!!!
  18. Whatever it is, I hope you remember to go on mute for audio and video!
  19. 'Both' should be the obvious answer for anyone, but I prefer flats.
  20. The first story/picture of an opt-out player hanging out on a crowded beach or playing basketball with friends is going to be fun.
  21. You don't see many tributes to cigarettes anymore.
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