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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Agreed, I forgot about that one. AWs hand never left the guys jersey.
  2. Who hes skating with will blow your mind!!! So hockey experts, what are the non-Kool Aid chances of playoffs this season?
  3. Completely agree with that, but it seems yesterday was not so much protesting black guys getting shot as much as protesting aholes like Trump piling on Kaepernick and publically warning them about how they should act. Cant say I blame them for giving him a big F-U.
  4. And the problem with this is what, you feel the DoD could get a better return if they go back to the 'Army of One' commercials? Do you also have a problem with the government spending money to advertise enrollment dates for the ACA?
  5. He made bad decisions, but great coverage on the first one and pressure on the 2d one caused that decision making process.
  6. Not according to the left. That would be racist because it would mean we're not all stopping daily to 'acknowledge' that racism exists. I'm still wondering what the solution is. Do we need to have all white people register their guilt with the government? Pass the Black Lives Matters' Racism test? Or is simply ranting about Trump on Facebook every once in a while enough to earn my credentials?
  7. First, the majority of Americans have never heard of Philando Castillo & Tamir Rice. Why? Because the majority of Americans don't think someone being shot by a cop is any more or less of a tragedy than any of the other horrible things that happen to innocent people every day in this country. And they sure don't think a black guy being shot by cops is a bigger problem than a white guy being shot by cops. So while the majority of Americans absolutely believe in equality and the right to protest, they are definitely sick and tired of being told whose deaths they should care more about, especially when the early poster children for the 'Black Lives Matters' crowd were Michael Brown and Travon Martin, who we found out, once we actually learned the facts, were total thugs who brought their situations on themselves. I know you don't want to hear it, but the outrage crowd has overplayed their hand and that's why you're getting backlash and Trump in the WH. I'm guessing that wasn't covered in Hillary's book. p.s. and most people think Kaepernick sucks. But yeah, the owners must be furious that Trump is stupid enough to reignite the whole thing just as it was finally dying down. If they play like that the whole damn stadium can kneel as far as I'm concerned!
  8. I was thinking at the time that was the best drive by a Bills QB I've seen in years. The recognition of Clay coming open on the TD and accurate throw was an encouraging sign.
  9. I look forward to this thread every season. In fairness to Cam, that Saints defense is really tough!
  10. After looking at that ridiculous forum for about 15 seconds and getting a headache, let me just say, thank you Scott.
  11. TT also had one of those on the final drive; the one where he slipped then got up.
  12. Those were good calls. The White PI was bogus but I don't remember any other bad ones against the Bills. What I was most surprised at was the equality of the calls; Denver was assessed a couple costly ones aside from the Miller fiasco.
  13. Oh well....he sure looked cool pulling up at the one yard line!
  14. It's like the Real Housewives without the big boobs. Oh wait....we have those too!
  15. As an option, yes. As the only option, not so much.
  16. Is the Jax game not on TV? I just woke up and don't see it on anywhere.
  17. Hopefully Trump will abandon this silly tradition anyway. Especially since no Buffalo team will ever be there.
  18. Why the qualification? Or is the implication that black supremacists are ok?
  19. Uhhhhh......tell the white people they are required to feel bad because some people harbor irrational fears?
  20. Let's revisit this question after we see his first 4 or 5 starts this season.
  21. Good. Crush that union so it doesn't ruin the NFL. Seriously. They should all go make some real money putting their college degrees to work! Yes, I would feel so much better about the NFL if the Bills were still paying Ryan Fitzpatrick.
  22. Is this the 'comp picks' fantasy again? Yeah, that always works out. They are still trying to field a competitive team so yes they are going to sign FAs to complete the roster who have previously played in the NFL. They made the decision to not pay Watkins in '18 and beyond, therefore they traded him now for value since '17 is clearly a rebuild. It's not that hard to understand if you try.
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