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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Fight, fight, fight, for Washington State.... Wherever The Senator is, I'm sure he's enjoying this one.
  2. $10 would go a long way on a Saturday afternoon at the arcade in 1982. USA-USSR Hockey Pole Position Tron Donkey Kong Joust Frogger Dig Dug Astroids Ms. Pac Man Dragon's Lair was the coolest to watch someone else play -- I never got the hang of that one. And many years later....Golden Tee!
  3. Oh, you mean all the asshats who drop to their knees on demand for any ridiculous, fabricated "raaysist!" story? Agreed. All the usual suspects lined right up
  4. It was pretty shocking to see a politician not directly answer the question asked of them. I can see why such a unique incident has left such an impression after all these years.
  5. Sunday at 1:00 is when the excitement for the football weekend peaks. Still remember sweating out the car ride home from church and rush to change out of my good clothes in time to catch the last bit of The NFL Today before 1:00 kickoff.
  6. Thats cheaper than the cost of a medical marijuana card in CA!
  7. Kids brains arent fully wired yet, makes that option difficult.
  8. Teaching your kids both should be considered table stakes for the job.
  9. No you are not. Football games are supposed to have a 12 minute half time, and for the championship game they change it to 45 minutes?? And for what? So some teeny-boppers can get all excited about some lame pop star lip syncing a couple crappy songs? Absurd.
  10. So this idiot claims she has a life threatening allergy (probably just as a means to complain for no reason), and then freaks out when she finds out there are rules about that? Hahaha....!@#$ her, stupid B word.
  11. If the players hadnt reacted, the owners wouldnt have said a word. This mess is not good for business.
  12. The slutty rap girl from the 90s? Wasnt aware anyone still watched her.
  13. Its amazing how even after the election people still think Trump operates with no strategy or purpose. The guys career has been built on playing his audience. Trump backed the owners into a corner. Once the players freaked out, the owners had no choice but stand with them.
  14. If I was in charge those guys would be lined up against a wall and shot, and wed show it on live TV. Along with their government co-conspirators, they are the worst criminals of all.
  15. Rich, left-wing politician? I'm shocked he got any time at all.
  16. Amazing how people can watch football and not understand cause and effect. Amazingly, it turns out that humans are not robots and sometimes make poor decisions under duress. Fake punt: stuffed Pick #1: Great coverage everywhere, QB flushed Pick #2: Great pressure
  17. I LOVE that movie...one of the most underrated comedies ever. Albert Brooks and Rip Torn were hilarious. Even Meryl Streep couldn't ruin it.
  18. Dear Larry Fitzgerald, Please never retire. You will still be the most fun player to watch when you are 50. I hate to agree with Gruden, but he was right. Could have kicked a 42 yard FG with 1:40 left. Once it's a one score game, the defense starts to feel the pressure (assuming they get the onside kick).
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