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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Someone really need to lure BP out of retirement. Pats* didn't win any Super Bowls when he was around.
  2. That was the crazy thing, it happened so suddenly. The winds picked up late Sunday and these fires just exploded. Lots of stories of people waking up to flames practically at their front door, people literally running for their lives in many cases. Just crazy. It rained lightly for about an hour once.....since April
  3. We moved out here a little more than a year ago -- we're in Marin, about 35 miles south of Sonoma. Sunday night they were talking about fires on the news but it didn't sound that serious. But I woke up early Monday AM smelling smoke from that far away and by the time I was going to work there was a haze over the whole area and you could see ash falling like snow flurries. This morning the haze was even heavier -- you could stare directly at the rising sun this morning here; it looked like a sun setting over NYC or LA with the pollution filter. This has been stunning, people aren't talking about anything else here. Lots of focus on evacuations, shelters filling up, etc. They are starting to find bodies in areas where fires have passed, especially Santa Rosa. Terrible what happened there. And as bad as it's been, it's far from over. Multiple major fires still out of control and after a relatively cool and calm day today, the winds are supposed to come back strong tonight and tomorrow.
  4. So they went from having a spot locked out to totally out? No playoff against New Zealand or whatever? That's pretty unfathomable for a country of 330 million people, no matter how many popular sports exist here.
  5. Seriously? You're being far too sensitive for a 9 year old girl.
  6. Aaaaand he just overthrew a wide open receiver in the end zone from 20 yards away with no pressure.
  7. It's a little early to say that, but there have been no encouraging signs from him yet.
  8. Every few years we get to pretend for a couple weeks, so that's been fun. Now it's back to reality.
  9. Whelp....I guess the next 3 minutes will determine who wins this thread for the next week.
  10. That day has been here for awhile for anyone who's not a complete moron.
  11. Good post, but I would think Michigan is a still a long way from being tired of him given their re-emergence as a nationally relevant program.
  12. She had unbelievable pipes. I always liked Diamonds Are Forever a bit more that Goldfinger.
  13. I foresee dozens of pages that never reach critical mass and become wastelands just like we have now with the Consumer and Baseball forums. What is listed above is a good list of threads. SDS - I like the way its done on Sabre Space. Create one running official thread for beer, TV shows, Hot for Teacher, advice for Chef Jim, etc.
  14. Yup. And then later close out the evening with The Man Show and Insomniac with Dave Attell. Sundays used to be awesome!
  15. "Marcell Dareus and the Bills defense have been dominant so far this season."? Oh, right....it's the Washington Post.
  16. I watched the Notre Dame game today and as usual they have a couple standouts on OL. Really like Quenton Nelson at G; and McGlinchey is a stud at T. Wouldn't mind ended up with one of those guys. Bills need to keep investing in the line.
  17. I miss Berman doing the highlights. That was the best ending to a football Sunday.
  18. As opposed to a non-psychopath who murders 58 people for no particular reason? Just wait till he offers his official apology for The Man Show. I'm sure now that he's an official lefty mouth-piece he's very ashamed of his non-PC past.
  19. How is the contract both sides agreed to not being 'honored' by one side enacting it's rights under that contract? Do you really not understand that every contract of every type has some type of termination clause in it?
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