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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. There's no such thing as an easy sweep against a division opponent.
  2. ....primarily because he is a douchebag who showboats when he wins and cries when he loses. You get a lot of haters when you do that starting at about age 9.
  3. Which ref is going to be fined for not calling a phantom hold on that 4th and 12?
  4. Yet another feather in the cap for the absurdity of instant replay. Hope the 'get it right' crowd is happy.
  5. Correct. And remember when Redskins fans revolted over them trading up for RG3? How about all the Cowboys fans who are still angry about Romo being pushing into retirement by Prescott.
  6. Absolutely absurd. Taylor was a typical one-read/running QB at VT, which is why he wasn't considered a serious QB candidate in the NFL. Where is your theory in regards to EJ Manual, a 4th round talent who was taken mid-first? And why didn't the black GM draft Taylor in the 2d, 3d, 4th or 5th if he was such a supreme talent? The only thing as ignorant and pathetic as outright racism are the people who refuse to acknowledge that racial (and all social) attitudes have shifted enormously in the last 50 years. To argue that coaches and FO guys who work in a league where over half the players are black and whose careers depend entirely on success would rather draft an inferior player because of race is honestly the most ignorant thing I have ever read on this board.
  7. Here you go: This issue is complete bullish And hes exactly right. More phony race war b.s. to stir the pot, attract mouse clicks, and provide disgusting politicians (on both sides) with a narrative to feed their ignorant, angry bases.
  8. No one here blames you, we just laugh at you. A political loser's favorite word. See how easy you make it?
  9. Wow, really? That IS amazing! And I bet no one taken before 19th has ever had such an embarrassing sack total. Gosh, thanks for shining a light on this underreport issue!
  10. Wasn't Klinsman the coach during the last WC when they advanced to the knock out stage? Seems kind of Billsy they canned him right before the WC qualifying and then fell flat. Soccer is fun to get into every four years for the World Cup but will be much less so w/o the US. Kinda like an Olympics being boycotted (thanks Jimmah!)
  11. I love how all his pals are pretending this is a big surprise. Yeah, I never know which of my buddies are huge womanizers or a--holes either.
  12. These 'solve the math problem' or 'identify these '80s movies' or 'actresses from the 70s who somehow got old' are standard clickbait come-ons.
  13. Not to be morbid, but I had the same thought. Buy a place in Sonoma and rent down here in Mill Valley until the kids are out of school. That story was on the local news a couple nights ago. Apparently they used towels to cover their head in the pool to protect from the flames. Then after the fire passed they dried their clothes on the hot rocks before walking out and getting picked up by a sheriff's car. Crazy.
  14. I can't believe this guy isn't Bruce Smith 2.0; he was the 19th pick! BUST!!!
  15. Can't wait for Harvey's Lifetime Achievement Award, coming soon to an Oscars ceremony near you!
  16. Ugh. There have been a bunch of those stories involving seniors. I sense the death toll will ultimately be much higher than the current reported figure. I'm watching the game tonight instead of non-stop fire coverage like the last couple nights; hope it hasn't progressed any closer to the town center in Sonoma -- we spent a wonderful day there a few months back. Tom Seaver evacuated his home/vineyard in Calistoga; it sounds like that area was under dire warning. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/baseball/mets/mets-legend-tom-seaver-flees-beloved-napa-home-winery-article-1.3558234
  17. Tyrod threads: 4 WR threads: 3* * this goes to 9 if Watkins manages more than 3 catches or a TD
  18. People here frequently confuse talent with production. He may be talented, but hes not a great football player.
  19. 7 out of 10 Bills fans cant answer this question!! Answer #5 will BLOW your MIND!!!
  20. Thanks Dean. Some heartbreaking stories but on the whole not as bad as I feared for the wineries, probably largely due to Jims point. But the scope of the personal loss is staggering. Air is terrible; its like Beijing here. All schools in North Bay closed tomorrow; going to take the family down to Half Moon Bay tomorrow for a night to get away from it and give the kids a chance to get outside.
  21. I can't believe it took till post 5 for this comment.
  22. It's almost like the left doesn't have the ability to act in any way BUT irrationally. Oh, wait.....
  23. Liberals had to give up an attempt to "level the playing field"?? Must have been crushing for them.
  24. Yup, kind of caught everyone by surprise. Monday was a school holiday and my wife planned to take the kids to Santa Rosa to go apple picking and get pumpkins. After I caught ten minutes of the news driving to the ferry in the haze I was texting her like mad to turn on the news and not go anywhere. This morning started out clearer here but apparently got much worse as the day went on. They kept all the kids inside again, canceled all sports for the week, etc. Winds have picked up and are shifting. New neighborhoods under evacuation order or warnings. If it starts blowing the wrong way, downtown Napa and/or Sonoma could be next in line. Up to 3500 buildings and 23 dead. Hundreds missing. Usually disasters turn a corner for the better after 24 hours, but not this one.
  25. My uncle did that a lot. He's held on to a lot of older wine and made some nice money selling it off in recent years.
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