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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. You should see the size of the kickbacks he gets from the Lasik industry.
  2. What an idiot. Some fans deserve a long turn on the bottom of the heap. 342/3/0 and 30 points? Naah.
  3. He put the ball exactly where it needed to be on about six different downfield throws. Good grief.
  4. Yet if 'lil Sammy has six catches once in half a season he's "dominating".
  5. LOL....Carr scored more TDs on that drive than Taylor has on two minute drills in his career.
  6. Bad call on Crabtree. WTF Cook, how do you not catch that? What an ending!
  7. Remember when the Bills could march down the field like that in the last two minutes? Me neither.
  8. Oh yeah, you did do that! I like soccer every four years, kinda like skiing or track and field. Too bad they screwed it up this time.
  9. Hey wait, they want to charge us to read their content?? But the internet is free!! Does SDS know about this???
  10. Yikes. I thought I remembered you lived up north somewhere. Glad to hear youre ok even if it must be hard to see your neighborhood in that kind of shape. On a positive note, today is the first rainy day of the season; hoping for some decent rainfall tonight to put a bullet in the fires.
  11. I always think of Tim Krumrie in the Super Bowl when discussing gruesome lower leg injuries.
  12. It will never be a quit, just a continuous slow fade.
  13. She was without doubt the Looniest Tune I have ever come across. You should read one of her (many) lawsuits. Fast food places engaging in terrorism because they ran out of chicken nuggets. She accused our GC of stalking and being obsessed with her. Kidnappings and lesbian predators abound. Great stuff.
  14. As with most things, its a combination of factors and Fergy nailed the big ones. On #4, ESPN and the rest of the overdrive 24x7 media has ruined sports coverage the same way theyve ruined news and political coverage. But I have always liked Sean McDonough and am glad hes on MNF now.
  15. I'd be shocked if the Oscars was anything but a rigged game favoring the highest bidder.
  16. So 240 million Americans have never lived one day in those eras? And when your big evidence is that no one under 60 can even remember any of that stuff (much less still feel related to it), I'd say those events ARE that far in our rear view.
  17. My former company accidentally hired this woman. Guess what? She sued us! https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCOURTS-txnd-3_13-cv-02177/pdf/USCOURTS-txnd-3_13-cv-02177-0.pdf http://tenminuteinterviews.com/amanda-levy/ https://dockets.justia.com/search?query=Amanda+U+Levy
  18. I hope he loses and goes away forever once the mindless media drones move on to the next Hot Pockets 'issue'.
  19. We appear to have turned the corner over the weekend. Weather seems to be cooperating and firefighters are gaining containment on the biggest fires. Still a ways to go but nice to hear some positive news.
  20. Hang on, can you clarify if this is a "we don't appreciate Taylor enough" thread or a "why doesn't someone sign Kaepernick" thread? It will make it easier for the mod-on duty to merge it.
  21. Other than Hillary Clinton, I'm having a hard time thinking of another person who is less deserving of sympathy than this self-serving jerk-off. btw, I'll be filing suit tomorrow against Facebook, Apple and Google for keeping me out of their finance departments.
  22. I wouldn't say they are immune -- all people have all kinds of social biases and we construct our lives around them every day. And yes there's a group-think mentality toward player evaluation in the NFL (which is how you get Brady and Wilson drafted where they were), but people trying to extrapolate that into 'Taylor was a first round talent drafted in the sixth round because all white GMs think black quarterbacks can't read defenses' or even worse, 'the Bills are sabotaging their QB because he's black', is absurd.
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