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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Moving up for a RB in the first round. 😄 That would be the Billsiest move ever.
  2. This x 1000. Good riddance to this lazy paycheck player who quit on his team.
  3. Shhh.....that's not helping the narrative of 'wild hordes of white supremacists and racist cops around every corner' that the left is using as its cornerstone for the 2018 mid-terms. Kind of ironic this is the same group of people who get so outraged over similarly unfounded anti-Muslim hysteria.
  4. Not only did some people NOT vote for Hillary, but we only got 4/10th of a vote!!
  5. Biggest scumbag in New York state now that Shelly Silver has finally been taken down. Honestly can't believe the retards in NYC voted for this guy. But I guess 20 years of competent leadership was enough.
  6. Yup. Like I always say, when I was a kid there was enough news each day for one 30 minute broadcast. And there still is. Hour after hour of four idiots who call themselves reporters sitting around blabbing about some other idiot reporter who twittered something about yet another idiot reporter.......it's honestly no different from the Real Housewives shows. Can't fathom who would watch that.
  7. Doesn't that only apply to balls fumbled forward, a la the Raiders Holy Roller play?
  8. Huh? When exactly did Boldin show up at OBD ready to play and was told "no thanks, we're all set at WR"?
  9. Good, hope they go bankrupt. Started out as one of the best things to ever happen to sports but turned out to be one of the worst.
  10. Not so fast....I hear he's going to end up in a RBBC situation.
  11. There really ought to be a charge for making bold (and baseless) predictions; collect if you win, contribute if you lose. Great thread bump. 40-0!
  12. "Why is the cow jumping over the moon? That cow is a loser, he has no idea what he's doing. Trust me, I would take one of my private jets and be over the moon much, much faster."
  13. I assumed at first it was just good satire....except I realized who the OP was and recall his increasingly radical and bizarre takes on Kaepernick and other nonsense 'issues' lately. Come see the violence inherent in the system!! Thanks for that, that's my favorite scene in the whole movie.
  14. Apparently we're talking in code now.....and drinking really ****ty beer.
  15. I never thought the mistake was letting Harvey go out for the ninth. The mistake was not being decisive about it -- Harvey had to lobby him hard and who knows what impact that had on a head case like Harvey. And then he left him in too long. That still pisses me off, should have been the Mets series but not for that and Familia and his idiotic 'slide step'.
  16. I'm shocked by that news, but the Yanks did the same thing 20 years ago with Buck when he had them right on the cusp. That turned out ok.
  17. Yup....ump just didn't want to punch him out to end the game. Great game. Hope this goes 7!
  18. I really like Dave Roberts, but that's over-managing your bullpen.
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